
Russia settles that there is no “peace plan” with Ukraine if they do not accept the new reality of the annexed regions

Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov.

Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov. – BAI XUEQI / XINHUA NEWS / CONTACT PHOTO

Today’s latest news about the Ukrainian-Russian war

Dec. 28 () –

The Kremlin spokesman, Dimitri Peskov, stressed this Wednesday that there is no “peace plan” with Ukraine if it does not take into account the current status of the four recently annexed Ukrainian regions after the holding of dubious popular consultations that have not been recognized beyond Moscow and Minsk.

Peskov’s words are in response to statements by the Ukrainian president, Volodimir Zelenski, about a peace project that he intends to present in February at the United Nations.

In that sense, Peskov has pointed out that “to begin with, so far, there is no Ukrainian ‘peace plan’ of any kind” and that it will not be possible “if the new reality” of the four regions is not taken into account – -Lugansk, Zaporizhia, Kherson and Donetsk– which have ended up “joining Russia”.

“Any plan that does not take these particularities into account cannot pretend to be a peace plan”, has settled the press officer of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, in relation to an issue that from kyiv they have already indicated that they will not assume under any circumstances , reports the TASS agency.

This week, Zelensky recounted that among the issues he had discussed with his American counterpart, Joe Biden, on his recent visit to Washington was a proposal by kyiv to hold a “peace summit” within the United Nations at the end of February, but without the presence of Russia.

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