
RUSSIA Russian Pentecostals divided by war in Ukraine

Confrontation between the two bishops, Lavrenov and Novikov. The community is allowed to have different points of view, as long as they do not contradict the Holy Scriptures. In Soviet times, Pentecostals were among the most persecuted believers and today they endure Putin’s restrictions with great difficulty. Catholics and Protestants have been systematically monitored since the deployment of the invasion.

Moscow () – The Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith (Roskve), which groups Russian Pentecostals, has published a letter on its website, after long discussions within all the communities and in the unitary organizations, ending the debate. It is intended to restore communion between two bishops of the Roskve, Sergej Lavrenov and Aleksej Novikov, who were in conflict. The reason for the disagreements was a publication by Novikov on social networks where war symbols with a “Z” appeared, an initiative that was condemned by Lavrenov.

The two bishops signed a joint declaration, in which they explained that “at different times in its history, the Church of Christ has had to face various challenges, and yet it has managed to preserve fidelity to the word of God and its unity, overcoming these difficulties.

The events of recent months have caused division not only in society, but “also within the People of God,” write Lavrenov and Novikov. The different points of view and the different interpretations of the same passages of Sacred Scripture among pastors and believers “give the adversaries of the Church of Christ reasons to dishonor the works of God and to lead into temptation those whose faith has not yet is firm,” they observe.

The Russian Pentecostals, however, claim diversity as one of the most meritorious characteristics of their movement, which allows “the presence of different points of view, as long as they do not contradict the Holy Scriptures, because this enriches our service and the life of all our Church”. Given the situation that has arisen in the country, the document continues, “it is necessary to avoid a greater polarization of society, and favor above all peace and harmony.” For this reason, they say, “we consider it essential to express all the love of Christ and be willing to forgive and dialogue, even with those who disagree with us on social and political opinions, which Christ Himself never laid as the foundation of His building”

Therefore, it is allowed to think differently even about the war and its motivations, without denying the preaching of the Gospel to all the parties involved, and guaranteeing “help to those who suffer and those in need, regardless of the flags of their State”. and your political affiliation. The debate will continue in the coming months, knowing the sensitivity of the Pentecostal communities and faithful, who in Soviet times were among the most persecuted believers, and who even today bear with great difficulty the restrictions on religious freedom in Russia. of Putin.

Pentecostals make up the majority of Russian Protestants, who are also represented by the more traditional Lutheran churches and the many Baptist communities. It is estimated that the Protestant Russian population represents between 1 and 2% of the total and congregates around 1.5 million people. The Lutherans, present in the territory for a long time, came to the Russian Empire from Germany or the Baltic at the time of Peter the Great. For their part, the Baptists began to settle in the 19th century, and later the Pentecostals and charismatics arrived.

As with Catholics, the religious activities of non-Orthodox Christians are regulated by a law that was made stricter with the 2016 amendments. This is the “Jarovoj Law”, which prevents foreign missionaries from acting as responsible for Russian associations. Missionary and catechetical activity can only be carried out by accredited persons according to current regulations and can only be carried out inside the church buildings. In this sense, surveillance has become systematic in this period, to avoid any form of “discrediting the armed forces and government policy”.

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