
Russia rules out any type of interference in the Turkish elections despite the opposition leader’s accusations

Russia rules out any type of interference in the Turkish elections despite the opposition leader's accusations

May 12. (EUROPE PRESS) –

The Kremlin spokesman, Dimitri Peskov, has ruled out that Russia is behind any type of interference in Turkey’s presidential and parliamentary elections on Sunday, thus denying the accusations made by the Turkish opposition leader Kemal Kiliçdaroglu.

Kiliçdaroglu, the main rival of the current Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, accused the Russian authorities on Thursday of being behind “montages, conspiracies and ‘deep fake’ content”, and made the collaboration between Istanbul and Moscow conditional on Russia “removing its hands of the Turkish state”.

Now, the Kremlin spokesman has acknowledged being surprised by such accusations and has ruled out that the Russian authorities are behind “no interference” in Turkish affairs. “If someone has provided Mr. Kiliçdaroglu with such information, then they are liars,” he has asserted.

Thus, Peskov has influenced the Russian government “very much values ​​bilateral relations” with Turkey and has valued the “very responsible, sovereign and well thought out” position taken by Ankara on “a whole range of regional and global problems”. , especially in the conflict in Ukraine, according to TASS.

“I have repeatedly said and insisted that we do not interfere in the internal affairs and electoral processes of foreign States,” concluded the Kremlin spokesman, who has compared Kiliçdaroglu’s complaints to previous ones launched from the United States regarding the last elections in 2020.

“It is very important to remember the history of the Americans, who (…) repeated for a long time that Russia was interfering, then spent tens of millions of dollars on proceedings, and then came to the conclusion that there was no interference,” he concluded. Peskov.

The Turkish population is called to the polls this Sunday to vote in the presidential and parliamentary elections. President Erdogan is facing Kiliçdaroglu, the opposition leader and main rival of the president, who ascended to the Presidency in 2014 after another eleven years as prime minister.

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