The Russian forces launched between 5:00 and 7:00 a.m. this Thursday a intercontinental ballistic missile, another Kh-47M2 Kinzhal aeroballistic missile and seven Kh-101 cruise missiles “against factories and critical infrastructure” from the city of Dnipro, in central Ukraine, according to the Ukrainian Air Force.
Ukrainian defenses were able to shoot down six of the seven cruise missiles, but They did not intercept the intercontinental ballistic missile or the Kinzhalwhich are two of the most sophisticated missiles in the Russian arsenal. According to the Ukrainian Air Force, the unshot missiles did not cause “substantial” damage.
This attack comes hours after Ukraine yesterday launched an attack with several UK Storm Shadow missiles in Russian territory after using US ATACMS.
In addition, the authorities of the Dnipropetrovsk region, of which Dnipro is the capital, have reported a massive attack this morning against the oblast in which the attacks occurred. damage to “an industrial infrastructure” of the city. At this time no casualties have been reported.
ATACMS and Storm Shadow missiles
This attack focused on Dnipro comes after the US, Spain, Italy and Greece closed their embassies in kyiv on Wednesday due to the danger of a massive Russian attack against Ukrainian territory.
This possible massive attack would be Russia’s response to the Biden Administration’s decision to authorize kyiv to use long-range ATACMS missiles against Russian territory, which represents a turning point in the war that began in February 2022 and that Yesterday, Tuesday, he turned 1,000 days old.
Furthermore, and as reported this Wednesday The Washington Post, the president of the United States too has authorized the supply of anti-personnel landmines to Ukraine with the aim of strengthening kyiv’s defenses.
Esos misiles ATACMS que cuentan con el visto bueno de EEUU ya han sido usados este por el Ejército ucraniano, según confirmaron este martes altos funcionarios estadounidenses y ucranianos The New York Times y Reuters. Ucrania también ha utilizado ya varios misiles Storm Shadow de Reino Unido para atacar la región rusa de Kursk.
Tras el ok de EEUU al uso de misiles de largo alcance proporcionados por su país, Putin respondió con la aprobación de una doctrina nuclear que permite responder con armamento nuclear ataques convencionales con drones o misiles que amenacen la soberanía de Rusia y Bielorrusia.
La doctrina autoriza un ataque nuclear en caso de que el ataque convencional enemigo suponga “una amenaza crítica para la soberanía y/o integridad territorial” de ambos países, que integran la Unión Estatal Rusia-Bielorrusia.
El documento también considerará “ataque conjunto” la agresión de un país que carezca de armamento atómico, pero que tenga el respaldo de una potencia nuclear. Todo esto ues na clara advertencia a Estados Unidos y la OTAN, en caso de que decidan involucrase directamente en el conflicto en Ucrania.
Este jueves Biden ha dado un paso más al reforzar su apoyo a Kiev antes de dejar la Casa Blanca con el anuncio de perdonar a Ucrania más de 4.600 millones de dólares de un préstamos y la entrega de otros 6.000 millones más antes de la investudura de Donald Trump el próximo 20 de enero.
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