
Russia hopes Aoun’s election as Lebanon’s president will strengthen “political stability” in the country

Russia hopes Aoun's election as Lebanon's president will strengthen "political stability" in the country


The Russian Foreign Ministry congratulated this Thursday the head of the Lebanese Army, Joseph Aoun, on his election as president of Lebanon and hopes that his appointment will strengthen “political stability”, as well as the “difficult socio-economic situation” in the country.

“Russia starts from the fact that the reestablishment of broad national harmony is the key to guaranteeing unity and civil peace in a multi-religious Lebanon,” it stressed in a statement, also expressing its support for “independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity” of the country.

Similarly, Moscow has said it is committed “to further development of Russian-Lebanese relations and close coordination to guarantee peace, as well as security in the Middle East,” according to the TASS news agency.

Aoun has been elected as the new Lebanese president after more than two years of vacuum in office following the end of Michel Aoun’s mandate – with no family relationship with the new president – and amid complaints about a possible violation of the Constitution by find the chosen one still at the head of the Armed Forces.

The vote has gone ahead after twelve failed attempts due to the blockade in the Legislature between the blocs led by the Hezbollah party-militia and its opponents, which has finally been broken in the midst of the ceasefire agreed at the end of November with Israel and before the international pressure to put an end to the vacuum in the Presidency, key to getting the country out of the deep economic and social crisis in which it has found itself for years.

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