This Thursday marks 358 days since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russian forces have attacked several Ukrainian regions tonight with drones and aviation and have hit critical infrastructure in the Lviv regionbut also targets in other areas in the west, north and center of the country. “Another attack with Russian missiles. Unmanned aerial vehicles and missiles have been launched overnight. Unfortunately, there are hits in the north and west of Ukraine, as well as in the Dnipropetrovsk and Kirovogrado regions,” the chief of staff of Ukraine wrote. the Ukrainian Presidency, Andriy Yermak, on Telegram.
Pro-Russian forces in Donetsk highlight new gains on Bakhmut
The pro-Russian forces of the Donetsk region have highlighted this Thursday new significant advances around the city of Bakhmut, which is mired in clashes between Russian and Ukrainian forces, and have ensured that Kiev troops they lack the capacity to get supplies to the military still in the area.
Thus, they have indicated that the higher altitude areas close to Bakhmut are already under their control, which means that the Ukrainian forces are “severely limited” when it comes to operating and deliver reserve supplies.
Belarus says Lithuania stopped cooperation on border transport
Belarus denounced today that Lithuania has stopped cooperation to ensure the uninterrupted flow of transport across the common border. The Belarusian State Border Committee said in a statement that Lithuania “unilaterally terminates cooperation with the customs and border services of Belarus to ensure an uninterrupted flow of transport across the border and increase the capacity of highway checkpoints”.
Belarus to respond to closure of Polish and Lithuanian border posts
Belarus will respond to the closure of border posts by Poland and Lithuania, which it called “economic provocation” that it will not be left without a countermeasure, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said today. “We see how Poland and Lithuania are behaving. Until now, from an economic point of view, they are constantly provoking. They are transferring responsibility to me. So they closed the checkpoints. What is this? This is an economic provocation.”he said in a meeting with journalists, according to the BELTA agency.
Map of the situation in Ukraine from British Intelligence
The illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine is continuing.
The map below is the latest Defense Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – 16 February 2023.
Find out more about the UK government’s response:
?? #StandWithUkraine ??
— Ministry of Defense ?? (@DefenceHQ) February 16, 2023
Russia denounces a Ukrainian attack with drones against Crimea
The governor of the sevastopol city, the main port of the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea illegally annexed by Russia, has denounced another Ukrainian drone attack on Wednesday. “At night the attack on the peninsula began. In the Sevastopol area, air defense and Black Sea Fleet shot down the two enemy Ukrainian drones over the sea,” Mikhail Razvozhayev wrote on his Telegram account. “Many more drones were shot down in the maritime zone of the Republic of Crimea,” he said, without giving an exact figure, before underlining that “all is calm in the city”.
Ukraine denounces the death of a civilian in a Russian attack on the city of Pavlohrad
At least one person has died this Thursday due to a rocket attack carried out by the Russian Army against the Ukrainian city of Pavlohrad, located in the Dnipropetrovsk region, as reported by the Ukrainian authorities. The governor of Dnipropetrovsk, Serhiy Lisak, has indicated in a message on his Telegram account: “The enemy has attacked the city with rockets when people were sleeping peacefully. A terrible night.” Thus, he has detailed that the fatality is a 79 year old woman, before adding that seven people have been injured, two of whom have required hospitalization. “Doctors consider her condition to be moderate,” she added. She has also confirmed “damage” to an industrial complex where a fire broke out from the attack. “The rescuers have put out the fire,” she pointed out, before pointing out that seven houses have been destroyed and another 30 have suffered damage.
Data update of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
“I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.”
William Ernest HenleyTotal combat losses of the enemy from Feb 24 to Aug 10.
— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) February 16, 2023
Ukraine estimates that more than 140,000 Russian soldiers have been “liquidated” since the start of the invasion
The Ukrainian Armed Forces have estimated this Thursday at more than 140,000 the number of Russian soldiers “liquidated” since the start of the invasion, unleashed on February 24, 2022 by order of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, a figure much higher than the one confirmed to date by Moscow. The General Staff of the Ukrainian Army has said in a message posted on its official account on the social network Facebook that since the outbreak of the war, 140,460 Russian soldiers have been “liquidated”, including 690 during the last day.