
Russia accelerates construction of mobile nuclear bomb-proof shelters after Putin’s doctrine change

Russia accelerates construction of mobile nuclear bomb-proof shelters after Putin's doctrine change

Russia has begun mass production of mobile shelters that can protect against a variety of threats, including shock waves and radiation from a nuclear explosion. This is what the country’s Ministry of Emergency Situations claims, which presents the KUB-M model as a guarantee of safety for 48 hours against these and other dangers, both natural and man-made.

Among the risks listed are shrapnel ejected from exploding conventional weapons, debris from collapsed buildings, certain lethal chemicals, and fire from fires. The KUB-M has the appearance of a reinforced shipping container and consists of two modules: a room for 54 people and a technical block. More modules could be added to these if necessary.

What the authorities did not do is link this initiative to any open crisis, no matter how much it coincides with the reaction to the latest decision of the Biden Administration, which already authorizes Ukraine to use long-range US missiles to attack military positions inside Russia. . And not only that. As several international media reported citing sources from the Ukrainian Army, kyiv has already launched an attack with these missiles against Russian soil. The Russian Defense Ministry, in fact, maintains that it intercepted five of them that were heading towards the Bryansk regionsupposedly to eliminate a military warehouse.

Although there is no official confirmation from Ukraine, nor from Washington, it is presumed that it is kyiv’s response to months of escalation by the invading forces, which last Sunday struck cities and strategic infrastructure with more than 200 missiles and drones in one hour. , many of them Iranian-made, and which have already incorporated thousands of professional North Korean, Cuban and Nicaraguan soldiers into their combat ranks.

But above all, Russia spreads the story of its bomb-proof bunkers after Vladimir Putin approved a new official doctrine that lowers Russia’s threshold for the use of nuclear weapons. “The aggression of any State belonging to a military coalition (bloc, alliance) against the Russian Federation and (or) its allies is seen as an aggression of the coalition as a whole,” he now notes.

Estas dos últimas cláusulas son consideradas por los analistas como una clara advertencia a Estados Unidos y la OTAN, en caso de que decidan involucrase directamente en el conflicto en Ucrania. Rusia puede recurrir a las armas nucleares también en caso de “ataque masivo” con aviones de guerra, misiles de crucero, hipersónicos, drones y otros aparatos no tripulados que violen el espacio aéreo del país. Y, por primera vez, el documento alude no sólo a la aviación y a aparatos hipersónicos enemigos, sino también a drones, un instrumento de guerra que ha adquirido una gran popularidad en los últimos años.

“El refugio móvil es una estructura multifuncional que proporciona protección a las personas frente a diversas amenazas, incluidos desastres naturales y accidentes provocados por el hombre”, dicen sus creadores, calificándolo como “un paso importante hacia la mejora de la seguridad de los ciudadanos”. El refugio, añaden, puede transportarse fácilmente en un camión y conectarse a suministros de agua, incluso puede desplegarse en el vasto permafrost del norte de Rusia.

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