economy and politics

Round Table for policy makers: Public Policies based on the input-output approach

Plenary session on Public Policies based on the input-output approach

As part of the international input-output conference 2024, which took place from July 1 to 5 in Santiago, Chile at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), on July 3, 2024, a Roundtable for policy makers. Experts linked to the topic from different perspectives participated, always from the perspective of decision-making related to public policy applications. Some of the applications reviewed were: the signing of free trade agreements, the analysis of the effects of globalization on trade, employment and economic growth, as well as the use of input-output applications for case studies. All of the shared experiences had in common the use of technical tools linked to input-output matrices for policy analysis and advice, in order to help governments develop policies that contribute to more inclusive and sustainable growth.

The main topics discussed were:

• Ex ante results of public policies, such as the elimination of tariff barriers.
• Analysis of structural changes based on the input-product model, specifically in final demand, foreign trade and labor productivity.
• Macroeconomic effects of changes in public policies. Some examples are tax increases, increases in foreign investment or financial stimuli at the sector level.
• Application of general equilibrium models to the analysis of trade, food security and the environment.


Keiji Inoue, Senior Economist of ECLAC and officer in charge of the International Trade and Integration Division

Round Table Speakers

• Francisco Rivadeneira, Former Minister of Foreign Trade of Ecuador
• Beatriz Muriel, Director of INESAD (Bolivian Institute of Advanced Studies for Development)
• José Manuel Rueda Cantuche, Scientific Officer, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
• Simon Mevel, Economic Affairs Officer at the African Trade Policy Center (ATPC), UNECA Trade and Regional Integration Division
• José Durán Lima, Head of the Regional Integration Unit, International Trade and Integration Division, ECLAC

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