
Role of women in the gaming industry: Karen Cepeda, Country Manager Components of AMD Peru, talks about it

Karen Cepeda, Country Manager Components of AMD Peru.

From streamers to project leaders in the industry technology, the woman’s face has been present and visible. But it has not been like that for all these years, rather it has been a constant struggle for them to seek visibility or integrate development teams.

Karen Cepeda, Country Manager Components of AMD Peru, spoke with the newspaper Depor about what the current panorama of the role of women in gaming is like and shares some advice with those who wish to join.

Karen Cepeda, Country Manager Components of AMD Peru.

What role do you think women play in the technology industry?

Can highlighting the example of the leader we have is Lisa Su, our director and SEO at AMD, who has been working with us for more than eleven years and has been leading the company for more than nine. That is my example to follow. Anyway, I have been working for twelve years, of which I lead Peru for 10 years. Not only in AMD, but we can have several examples in different figures known as YouTube SEO, in Samsung and other companies where women lead. I have been working in technology for approximately 20 years, most of which were at AMD and I have always had to face challenges to reach my goals, assignments that have only been men and I have achieved them satisfactorily. But there are always obstacles. From 20 years ago to the present, a lot has changed, as far as giving preference to women because now we are no longer in a competition, they see both of us the same. They can fill a position, both a man and a woman, definitely. It has improved quite a bit.

On the subject of video games, you also see that. We have teams led by women in eSports, although I have observed in events that still do not give priority or do not give the importance that a woman has in the world of eSports.

What are the challenges a woman has had to face in the technology industry and what has AMD done to encourage diversity?

We at AMD view men and women equally. If we need to support a men’s or women’s team, both are the same. We see other virtues of each team, such as their playing potential, player potential. We never emphasize one sex over the other. It is a very good advantage of AMD against the equipment. This is against eSports.

When it comes to Streaming and content creators, we have a lot of women working at our company because we value the hard work they put in.

As for how much we have had to deal with, and I include myself, it is the priority that sometimes the top executives or the people who are going to hire you are men. There is still a bit of machismo that does not change or improve. It is the most outstanding thing that we can observe. But, as I repeat, it has changed a lot because I have observed in different technology brands led by men that they have no problem hiring women.

What measures does AMD take against these cases?

We don’t have these problems. Our employees are distributed in 45% or 50% that we are women and the rest are men. We improve our attitude towards women, supporting eSports teams. When we go to events, girls always come, even in Peru we have had one of the best in the field of streaming like Antonella Aservi.

What advice would you give to a woman who wants to enter the technology, eSports or entertainment industry?

The main advice I would give you is not to fall. Sometimes they will run into walls, the machismo that still exists or the lack of trust that they still have in us. Let’s keep moving forward so they measure us the same. To continue fighting for our dreams and what we want to achieve. Whether from an eSports or soccer team. We can do what we want. If we need help, we must look for it, be it in a man or a woman. There are excellent men who can support you in what you want to achieve.

How do you think a woman should deal with toxic messages in online video games?

Yes, I have seen it in several streams. Some men see us as a symbol, they don’t see us as a human being and they jump straight to the jokes. That makes one advance more, women are stubborn; As soon as you tell us something, we will improve it. I would advise them not to take importance, you just have to give importance to what adds to you, not to what remains.

I’ve seen several comments on the girls’ live. I’ve seen how they treat girls (who work for AMD); she brushes it off and carries on with the good comments.

What events does AMD have on the calendar?

We have resumed activations in Peru. Due to the pandemic, some activities were not resumed. We have come from participating in a gaming event in Arequipa. They told me that there will also be in Lima. We always support these types of activities.

As for products, we have just launched our 7000 X3D series, which is spectacular for the gaming community. They have received us very well with the product, as in the activities. We not only have the 7000 series in processors, but also in graphics cards.

How do you see the future of women in the technology industry?

I see the future well. It is necessary to advance in some aspects. As team leader I always observe the virtues that people have, that women have to get what they want in their different jobs. Not just in eSports, but as an administrator, accountant or whatever position I can get. In our work team in Peru we only have one man, Cesar Michilerio. We have very valuable women in very high positions and we know that we can give them many opportunities.

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