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They say that the one who gets angry loses and the phrase applies more than ever in social networks because an outburst of anger can have negative results. That was exactly what a Rocksteady artist experienced who came out in defense of WB Games Montreal’s decision to limit the performance of Gotham Knights at 30 frames per second on PlayStation and Xbox Series X | S, the detail is that he blamed one of Microsoft’s consoles.
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Rocksteady artist defended tooth and nail the 30 fps of Gotham Knights
This weekend was quite controversial for the industry with some scandals going on and one of them had to do with the confirmation of 30 fps in the console version of Gotham Knights, decision that angered the fans who assured that a rate of 60 frames per second should be the standard today. Facing criticism, Lee Devonald, a character artist currently working for Rocksteady on Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice Leaguegot into the ring on Twitter with a series of unfortunate statements.
From the beginning, Lee Devonald attacked Xbox Series S on his account (today inaccessible) by launching lapidary phrases against the Microsoft console and blaming it for the limitations that games must have due to their existence. In that sense, he pointed out: “I wish gamers understood what 60 fps means, in terms of all the things that are lost to make the game run so fast. Especially considering that we have a last generation console that is not much better than a last generation. The Xbox Series S exists and Microsoft does not let you launch on one console without considering the other. An entire generation of video games paralyzed by that potato. “
In the end, the creative exploded blaming the price we pay for video games
Subsequently, Lee Devonald continued with a series of posts in which he tried to explain that the resources they have for the console are finite due to the hardware, so the use must be managed properly since everything consumes a part: “I wish they understood that 60fps = 16 milliseconds. I wish they understood that every enemy on screen takes up a chunk of that time. You want a dynamic time of day? What about global illumination? That’s usually 4 or more milliseconds from the start and a quarter of your budget will be gone on just one feature. Shadows? Usually that consumes more depending on how many lights they allow to come on. Before you get to features like enemy numbers and such, your framerate budget is already being consuming”.
However, moments later he ignited the mood again by insinuating that this type of situation occurs in video games because we, the consumers, are not really paying what they cost: “I don’t know if you know, but $60 USD from 2000 is $93 USD now because of inflation. We’re charging you little for games and we’ve been doing it for 2 decades, so pay for what you’re worth.”
The wave of criticism did not take long to arrive and hours after the controversy, the Rocksteady artist closed his Twitter account. Some users were quick to point out that there are games on Xbox Series S that run at 60fps and higher, such as gear 5, ForzaHorizon 5, Dying Light 2 and the most recent case Cyberpunk 2077. Others pointed out that the community and devs should not fall for 4K and rack their brains trying to make it run at 60 frames per second because a lower resolution, and the rate mentioned above, are a very good proposition for consoles while in the case of Xbox Series S, they consider 1080p or 1440p at 60 frames per second to be excellent.
What’s your opinion about it? Tell us in the comments and continue here at LEVEL UP.
Video: Gotham Knights – PC Preview Trailer