
Roblox removed 2 very controversial levels inspired by the war between Russia and Ukraine

Image via BBC

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Roblox is one of the most popular gaming platforms on the planet. It is undeniable that the vast majority of its user base are children and minors, which is why the company responsible for the project invests a lot of effort to create a safe ecosystem. However, from time to time very controversial experiences creep in.

In case you don’t know, in this multiplayer platform players can create their own levels and share them with the world. These creations range from hyper-realistic shooters to virtual concerts. The sky is the limit, and it’s clear that fans are stretching their imaginations to design ever more robust experiences.

Nevertheless, Roblox has rules that block content that may be offensive or unsuitable for a young audience. And yes, current war-inspired levels is the kind of stuff that is banned by the developers.

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Levels of the war between Russia and Ukraine disappear from Roblox

According to reports from the media BBCNews, the gaming platform removed 2 levels inspired by the current war between Russia and Ukraine. The first is War on Larkiv: Ukraine, an FPS where users could fight as a soldier from one of the 2 sides. The second is baptized Battle for Ukraine and allowed players to recreate the bombing of cities like Mariupol.

According to the information, War on Larkiv: Ukraine it recorded more than 90,000 views in less than 2 weeks. In his active time, he gained a lot of popularity and had a 71% approval rating. It also generated millions of views on social networks like TikTok.

Image via BBC

In statements to BBC, a Roblox spokesman assured that they removed the levels because they violated the rules of the platform. It is worth noting that Battle for Ukraine was available for months, while War on Larkiv: Ukraine it housed between 10 and 40 daily players before its elimination.

“We have strict community standards that govern the portrayal of real-world events. The experiences in question were removed for breaking our standards following an assessment by our moderation team,” the spokesperson said in a statement.

But tell us, what do you think of this situation? Let us read you in the comments.

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