
Rival security forces engage in night of skirmishes in Libyan capital

Rival security forces engage in night of skirmishes in Libyan capital

April 12 (EUROPA PRESS) –

Warring factions of the security forces of the capital of Libya, Tripoli, have carried out sporadic shootings throughout the city this past night that have so far left no victims to report.

The clashes specifically involved the Special Containment Force or RADA, which especially dominates the security apparatus in eastern Tripoli, and the Stability Support Authority (ASS), based in the Abu Salim neighborhood, one of the most populated. From the capital.

Both operate with the permission of the Government of Tripoli, recognized by the international community, which has had to use these groups to maintain calm in the country's capital, in a constant state of tension since the fall in 2011 of Muammar Gaddafi and the subsequent years of internal conflicts in the country.

The shootings began after RADA troops detained a member of the Stability Support Authority during a roadblock. In response, local sources explained to the Libya Review and Libya Update portals, the Authority detained two members of the Containment Forces.

The Ambulance and Emergency Service asked Tripoli residents to remain in their homes to take shelter from the fighting, which lasted around an hour and forced a third security detachment, the 444th Combat Brigade – dependent on the Ministry of Defense– to establish a control device in the vicinity of Tripol International Airport.

The situation at the moment is relatively calm, according to Libyan media sources.

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