economy and politics

Retail price of a gallon of diesel fuel rises by 1.904 pesos

Increase in diesel fuel in Colombia

The Ministries of Mines and Energy and Finance and Public Credit This Friday they issued the resolutions by which the decision was made to adjust, starting on Saturday, August 31, in $1,904 the retail price of the gallon of diesel fuel.

According to both portfolios, This decision to adjust the price of diesel fuel would generate fiscal savings of $1.6 billion in the remainder of 2024.

(We recommend: Fenalco says that the increase in the price of diesel will be another hard blow for Colombians).

Similarly, according to estimates by the National Government’s economic team, would have an impact on inflation of only 0.3 percentage points by the end of this year.

Increase in diesel fuel in Colombia

Ministry of Finance and Public Credit

Currently, when a consumer buys diesel at a gas station, the consumer pays less than 50% of the price charged by the refiner or importer of that fuel. The national government, through the Fepc, pays the rest. This has led to a historic fiscal problem that has represented cumulatively, in 2024 pesos, close to $115 billion.“, assures the Ministry of Finance.

(You may be interested in: How much will bus fares in Colombia increase due to the increase in the price of diesel fuel).

Thus, the cities where the gallon of this fuel reference will have the highest values ​​are Cali ($9,892); Villavicencio ($9,856); Pereira ($9,835); Medellin ($9,777) and Bogota (9,756).




Among the reasons he gave Minister of Finance, Ricardo Bonillaregarding the first increase in diesel fuel after 56 months with frozen prices, there is the unfeasibility of the diesel subsidy for public finances.

(Read more: Shakeup to the Guaranteed Minimum Income in Bogotá: what will change?).

The subsidy we are giving to diesel can be used, in the accumulated amount of the year, to give a subsidy to all vulnerable families in Colombia, equivalent to more than 500,000 pesos per person. That is the size of our deficit today.“, he assured.


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