Science and Tech

Researchers with Fondecyt projects are sought to publish an outreach book

Welcome to the first national call of its kind for Fondecyt research projects, organized by the Science team in Chile! We invite you to participate in this initiative in its second call that seeks to bring scientific knowledge closer to different audiences.

On this occasion, only 25 Fondecyt investigations will be disseminated through the publication of a printed and digital book, in collaboration with Editorial Kultrún, a renowned publisher with more than 270 book publications to date.

Do not miss the opportunity to be part of this select group of researchers who will have the opportunity to disseminate their results and advances in the area of ​​Health Sciences in our country. Sign up now and be part of this initiative that seeks to democratize access to scientific knowledge!

By being part we offer you:

– Carrying out one or more interviews with the director of the Fondecyt project, to find out in detail the main achievements and results of the scientific work.

-Texts whose maximum length is 6 pages per investigation (Book size) will be written.

-Each text proposal will be sent for review by the project director for approval. After its validation, it will go through editorial editing and independent style proofing and will be submitted for final final review.

-Each text will be accompanied by a photograph in the field, laboratory or graphic design. The image to define will contain the title of the chapter.

-The name and Fondecyt number of each story will be clearly and visibly indicated. This will be indicated at the bottom of the page on the first page after the photograph of each chapter.

-The book will have the digital ISBN inscription and also for its printed version.

-Science in Chile will be indicated as the author and for each internal publication the journalist who is the author of the respective chapters will be clearly indicated.

-Being a national call, a virtual launch will be organized maximum 12 months after this call

-18 printed books will be delivered to the address indicated by the director of the Fondecyt project.

-100 copies will be distributed in 20 public libraries in different regions of the country (5 books per library), a printed document with a record of the delivery will also be delivered to each researcher.

-10 books will be raffled and given away through the social networks of Science in Chile.

-5 books will be part of the Science library in Chile.

-Along with the books, 100 bookmarks will be sent to each researcher, who will have a QR code to download the book.

-A record of book downloads will be installed at, so that it can be reported and rendered in its Fondecyt projects. It may be requested as many times as required.

-The book will be published through publisher kultrúnwith more than 270 book publications to date.

Physical characteristics of the book

-Size/ 24 x 53 centimeters extended (includes 2 flaps of 9.5 cm each)
-Couché paper covers 350 grs. a 4/0 color + thermolaminate 1/0
-Interior T/24 x 17 cms closed 130 pages in bond paper 80 grs to 1/1 black
-Each text based on the Fondecyt project will have a representative photograph or design. Inside T/24 x 17 cm closed 20 reprints (40 pages) on 130 grs coated paper in 4/0 color

-Square hotmelt spine -Total books: 500 units

Calendar (It can be modified, in which case each researcher who participates in the publication will be notified).

Closing date for interested parties: August 31 2023

· Date of interviews, writing of texts: May– August 31

· Approval of the texts: in order of interviews and registration.

· Date of design, edition and editorial participation: to be confirmed

Release month: to be defined

·cost to participate:

The value of having your Fondecyt project disseminated in this initiative is $500,000 VAT INCLUDED with invoice. The gloss and code of the project are attributed in the description for its correct rendering.

How to take part?

Step 1: Complete the form in the following link:

Step 2: Confirm registration payment

Transfer data:

Santander bank current account

Number 87577503

Ruth 76.424.115-0

[email protected]

Subject: Fondecyt 2023 investigations – 2nd call

Name: Science in Chile

registration here

limited places

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