economy and politics

Regional seminar on innovations and challenges in household surveys

Household surveys are one of the main sources of official statistics and play a fundamental role in measuring social, economic and demographic indicators. In a global and regional context where the demands for quality and timeliness in the production of statistics are increasingly greater, National Statistics Offices and other public organizations face the challenge of adapting these instruments to new realities.

The Statistics Division of ECLAC continually collaborates with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in the design and implementation of household surveys, through direct technical assistance and promoting the exchange of experiences at the regional level. Additionally, the Division compiles and processes these surveys, with a focus on multi-purpose and living conditions surveys, in order to produce regionally comparable statistics. Based on this experience, the need for a regional space has been identified in which the challenges faced by household surveys can be addressed, as well as regional experiences that can be shared to address them.

In this context, the Regional seminar on innovations and challenges in household surveys aims to analyze innovations and current challenges in the collection, analysis and dissemination of data from household surveys in Latin America, in order to strengthen national statistical systems. The seminar seeks to encourage the exchange of experiences and good practices, promoting the use of new methodologies and technologies, with the purpose of improving the precision, comparability and accessibility of statistical information in the region, guaranteeing its usefulness for decision-making based on evidence.

Among the topics to be addressed, the following aspects stand out:

  1. Analysis of the international and regional context in the implementation of household surveys.
  2. Challenges of the 2020 census round and challenges in creating and defining sampling frames for surveys.
  3. Continuous survey rotation as a strategy to reduce response burden, accumulate samples, calibrate expansion factors and improve precision in small domain estimates.
  4. Definition and management of integrated survey systems to optimize resources and ensure data consistency.
  5. Challenges in data collectionincluding the reduction of non-response and the use of emerging technologies (CAPI, CATI, web).
  6. Maintenance of temporal comparability of resultsespecially with the incorporation of new technologies or updates to international standards.
  7. Effective dissemination of results to guarantee the accessibility and use of the data generated.
  8. Methodological innovations such as the integration of probability and non-probability surveys, the use of administrative records and small area estimation to improve the accuracy and usefulness of the data.
Participants and financing

It is expected to have the participation of officials from the National Statistics Offices, Central Banks and other public entities linked to the topic of the meeting.

The Statistics Division of ECLAC has limited resources to cover airfare and accommodation costs for one participant from each country.

The National Statistical Offices may nominate more than one official, as long as they are responsible for their travel and maintenance costs at the event venue.

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