economy and politics

Regional Educational Policy Forum

From October 4 to 6, the Regional Educational Policy Forumorganized by IIEP UNESCO and OREALC/UNESCO Santiago, with the purpose of generating a space for dialogue between those who formulate educational policies and other actors in Latin America and the Caribbean.

During three days of conferences and workshops, national authorities from the entire region, representatives of civil society and experts from international organizations and the academic world will discuss how to deal with the educational crisis in the region.

The first panel of the conference, entitled “Why are we talking about a learning crisis in the region”, will take place on Tuesday, October 4, and will include the participation of Mariana Huepe, Social Affairs Officer of the Social Development Division of the ECLAC. The exhibition will begin at 11:45 a.m. (GMT -3) and will address the impact of socioeconomic inequalities on educational achievement.

Those interested in viewing the live transmission of this panel may do so through the forum site. For this, it is necessary to enter and register previously.

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