economy and politics

Record number: 2022, the year in which more Colombians went abroad

Record number: 2022, the year in which more Colombians went abroad

During 2022 a historical record was recorded: the best year in the exit of Colombians abroadaccording to the figures revealed by Anato, the union of travel agencies.

(Read: Latam transported 9.2 million passengers in Colombia during 2022).

The organization showed that last year closed with a flow of 4.9 million Colombians who went abroad, lor that it meant a growth of 10 percent compared to 2019.

The main foreign destinations visited by travelers for tourism, events and business reasons were: United States, with a growth of 1 percent; Spain, with 20 percent; and Mexico, 69 percent.

Likewise, one of the most outstanding cases at the international level was the guest of honor of version 42 of the Anato Tourist Showcase: Dominican Republic. Which registered an increase of 163%.

The aforementioned countries represented about 68 percent of the total departures from Colombia.

(See: They freeze the price of the tourist card in San Andrés due to low visits).

It was not easy to get to this point. We must work hard as a sector and with the National Government so that the countries make the entry measures more flexible and in this way also provide peace of mind to tourists to vacation or attend their business trips abroad”, said Paula Cortés Calle, executive president of the union, in a statement.

Regarding the figures for December, it stands out that about 458,000 Colombians left abroad, which represented a growth of six percent, compared to the same month in 2019, standing out, for reasons of tourism, events and business, destinations such as the United Kingdom United, with an increase of 56 percent; Italy, with 37 percent; Chile, with 30 percent; Turkey, with 23 percent; Argentina, with 9 percent and France, with 2 percent.


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