Science and Tech

Recommended portfolio: Technology that restores autonomy

At a time when fear of artificial intelligence and its scope is widespread, this Spanish writer returns technology to the real dimension and how it is becomes a route to express the freedom that sometimes the same rules limit.

In ‘Conflicts and Blockchain. Peacebuilding’ The authors Óscar Daniel Franco Conforti and Montse Guardia Güell talk about how the State has found itself, for centuries, in a privileged position to maintain peace and develop order with rules that transcend the centralized ways that it offers us to resolve our conflicts.

However, the State has become more and more centralized until it has become a ‘Nanny State’ that, under a paternalistic mask, has designed and implemented a scaffolding of normative rules that have blocked us and prevented us from developing individually in a sovereign way.

The resolution of Online conflicts and the blockchain completely changed the concept of sovereign citizenopening new horizons that mark the beginning of a new paradigm.

With the widespread adoption of platforms (online conflict resolution powered by blockchain technology) such as ‘Peacebuilder’, governments will be forced to offer citizens this type of solution. We may see smaller jurisdictions in the future, perhaps at the provincial level (instead of nation-states); and ultimately even much smaller sovereignties, perhaps cities or neighborhoods.

This great transformation supposes a new way of imagining society, with a format in which commercial relations will gravitate towards ‘circles of honesty’, marked by the use of blockchain technology that will give transparency, immutability and traceability to everything we want. .

Control over the outcome of disputes and conflicts will pass from the State to individuals, since it is increasingly easier to create wealth by adding knowledge to decentralized services and products such as the one proposed in this work.
The author also wrote ‘Effective Judicial Protection and Conflict Mediation in Spain’, among other titles.

(See: Portfolio Recommendations: the 25 best-selling books in the country).

The autonomous city – Author Alexander Vasudevan. Seal
Editorial Alliance

The first history of squatting as it has been practiced in Europe and North America. Alexander Vasudevan follows the trail of the struggle for housing in cities such as Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Detroit, Hamburg, London, Madrid, Milan, New York or Vancouver to analyze the organization of alternative forms of coexistence, as well as the response of governments, including the recent criminalization of squatting and the brutality of evictions.

Faced with the aggressiveness of states and real estate developers, these pages present squatting as a way of reimagining and reclaiming the city.

Ten Days That Shook the World- Author John Reed.
Akal seal

John Reed, journalist and chronicler, gave unsurpassed testimony about one of the events that inaugurated the 20th century, the October Revolution. Reed’s work reconstructs the atmosphere of 1917 and places us shoulder to shoulder with the popular militias, the factory committees, the propagandists and the crowds thatThey filled the squares of Saint Petersburg to protest, celebrate and go on strike.

One hundred years after its initial publication, Ten Days That Shook the World remains an unparalleled account of one of the turning points in contemporary history.

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Guide for the performance of the future- Author Bernard Hiller. Alba seal

Everyone is born with some kind of special ability, but the ability has to be nurtured, developed, and displayed.. And, in the field of film, television and the performing arts, it is essential for anyone who wants to succeed to discover the truth about themselves, not trying to look like anyone, no matter how famous they are, and making the long road to reach that goal appear to be traveled naturally, effortlessly.

He talks about the constant attention, passion and commitment with which great careers are built and proposes practical exercises as tips –useful in everyday life– to overcome fears, encourage yourself to explore the unknown.

The God of Endings- Author Jacqueline Holland. Seal
Silver Editions

Intriguing and charming at the same time, this surprising novel weaves together a story of love, family, real events and myths through the gaze of an immortal woman.

Collette LeSange is a reclusive artist who runs an elite fine art school for boys in upstate New York. The beauty of her youth belies the dark truth of her life: she has endured centuries of chaos and pain after her grandfather, long ago, decided to make her immortal like him.

The book explores the human condition in all its complexity and asks us the most fundamental question of all: is life in this world a gift or a curse? “Overwhelming and evocative, this novel is a beautiful journey through the centuries of a most singular life.”

(See: Recommended Portfolio: The delicious taste of the economy).


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