
Reasons why a person is unfaithful and will never change, according to psychology


There are several factors why a person is unfaithful and according to statistics, men are more prone to infidelity.

Although it is not very clear in general terms. What is infidelity?It is enough for one of the two parties to feel betrayed by some conscious action that the other party has had to say that it is a deception, this depends, of course, on the agreements and terms in which the couple’s relationship is found While some people believe it is permissible for their partner to exchange messages with other people, for other couples, simply looking lasciviously at someone else is enough to call it cheating.

Borders are porous when it comes to infidelityparticularly because These are parameters that are generally not discussed when starting the relationship.but rather they emerge as the relationship progresses.

Today in Cosmopolitan We have prepared for you the Reasons why a person is unfaithful and will never changeWell, although it may seem that there are normal events that present themselves as obstacles in relationships, it is also true that There are people who suffer from a pathology associated with betrayal.

Reasons why an unfaithful person will never change

These reasons have absolutely nothing to do with you, always remember that people who decide to be unfaithful do so even when they have the ideal partner at their side.

Personal characteristics

  • Lack of empathy: They cannot understand the pain they cause to others.
  • Selfishness: they prioritize their own needs and desires over those of others.
  • Emotional immaturity: they have not developed skills to manage conflicts and emotions.
  • Narcissistic personality: They focus on their own pleasure and satisfaction.
An infidelity

There are several factors why a person is unfaithful and will never change.

Habits and patterns

  • Story of infidelity: They have cheated before and are not willing to admit that they are causing harm.
  • Sex or excitement addiction: They constantly seek stimulation through excitement and pleasure.
  • Lack of commitment: They do not value relationship or loyalty, satisfying their sexual and emotional needs is their only priority.
  • Lies and deceptions: have developed skills to hide the truth.

Sex addiction and strong emotions can be a reason for being unfaithful.

Emotional factors

  • Fear of commitment: they avoid intimacy and emotional commitment.
  • Insecurity: They seek external validation to compensate for their low self-esteem and reinforce their masculinity.
  • Desire for control: They use infidelity to manage and dominate the relationship.
  • Trauma suffered: have experienced trauma and have not healed.

Environmental factors

  • Environment that encourages infidelity: They work or live in an environment that promotes infidelity, even recognizing it as an achievement in men.
  • Social pressure: your friends or even family members are unfaithful and your judgment is low
  • Easy access to options: They have access to people and situations that facilitate infidelity, such as a busy work environment.
  • Lack of consequences: have not faced significant consequences for their infidelity.

It is difficult for an unfaithful person to change his habits…

Warning signs that you are dealing with an unfaithful person who will never change

  • They will not take responsibility for their actions.
  • They show no remorse or regret.
  • They continue to lie and deceive even after being discovered.
  • They are not willing to seek help or therapy.

‘This article may contain information published by third parties, some details of this article were extracted from the following source: www.cosmopolitan.com.mx’

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