After the approval of the tax reform of the Petro government in the first debate, in the economic commissions of the Senate and Chamber, they met reactions of politicians and economists both for and against.
(Tax: what comes for the project after its first approval).
Former Senator Jorge Enrique Robledo posted a video on his Twitter account, explaining that he considers a irresponsibility the approval of the bill “Without knowing how much money they are going to get from each sector of Colombians.”
It is the height of the irresponsibility with which the congressmen of the government bench are approving the tax reform, without knowing how much money they are going to get from each sector of Colombians.
And the minHacienda knows that since yesterday I asked for those figures!!!– Jorge Enrique Robledo (@JERobledo) October 6, 2022
The former candidate for the Presidency, Federico Gutierrezalso expressed his disagreement in this regard: “Those who approve the tax reform of the Petro government become responsible for generating a disincentive to investment and therefore fewer jobs,” he wrote.
(Abecé: the key points of the tax approved in the first debate).
Those who approve the tax reform of the Petro government become responsible for generating a disincentive to investment and therefore fewer jobs.
We are not facing a good economic and social scenario.
Added High inflation that will affect the poorest.– Fico Gutierrez (@FicoGutierrez) October 6, 2022
The economist Jorge Restrepo referred to the impact of the tax on companies: “Pretending that capital will not react to the increase in taxation is to consider that companies and the economy are those of the seventies: capital cannot be kidnapped today, it does not give in to tax extortion, it escapes easily.”
Pretending that capital will not react to the increase in taxation is to consider that companies and the economy are those of the seventies: capital cannot be kidnapped today, it does not give in to tax extortion, it escapes easily.
– Jorge Restrepo (@JorgeARestrepo) October 6, 2022
For its part, Senator Gustavo Bolivar celebrated the approval of the bill in the first debate, stating that the opposition “had all the guarantees.”
(The National Government eliminates the gas surcharge from the tax).
The Tax Reform was approved in the first debate.
For those who said that we were going to sit, we debated for 9 hours.
The opposition had all the guarantees that we never had when we were opponents.
#TaxJusticeNow– Gustavo Bolívar (@GustavoBolivar) October 6, 2022
Along the same lines, Luis Carlos Reyes, director of the National Tax and Customs Department, posted on Twitter: “The Tax Reform for Equity and Social Justice project was approved in the first debate.”
Approved in first debate the project of Tax Reform for Equity and Social Justice. Now the plenary will come in the Chamber and Senate so that Colombia can guarantee its fiscal sustainability.
– Luis Carlos Reyes (@luiscrh) October 6, 2022
And the president GusTavo Petro expressed his gratitude to the economic commissions of the Senate and the House for the approval of the tax: “Moving towards a model of sustainable development and creating a fair taxation system, where those who have the most are the ones who pay the most, are the objectives of the reform that we present. I thank the Economic Commissions for their approval in the first debate”.
Advancing towards a model of sustainable development and creating a fair taxation system, where those who have the most are the ones who pay the most, are the objectives of the reform that we present. I thank the Economic Commissions for their approval in the first debate.
– Gustavo Petro (@petrogustavo) October 6, 2022