economy and politics

Rationing in Bogotá: neighborhoods that will not have water this Monday, June 10

Saving water

Starting at 8:00 am on June 10 and for 24 hours, The water supply will be suspended in different neighborhoods of Bogotá. This measure is part of the rationing plan that the capital has implemented to reduce the consumption of this resource in the capital.

(Read more: Initiative to reduce bureaucratic procedures in Bogotá is approved)

To carry it out, the restriction divides the city into nine sectors, each of which experiences scheduled outages every ten days.

This Monday the turn of suspension of the service corresponds to zone seven, which is made up of points from the towns of Fontibón and Kennedy. Specifically, there will be no water:

Between 16C and 26 streets, between Avenida Boyacá and Ciudad de Cali.

Between 14th and 24th streets, between Avenida Ciudad de Cali and the Bogotá River.

Between Calle 26 and Avenida 1 Mayo, between Carrera 68 and Avenida Boyacá.

Supply points of Funza, Madrid and Mosquera (Planadas, Mosquera 1 and 3).

• Los Hayuelos Urbanization.

• Thury Industries Ltd.

• San Pedro Industrial Urbanization.

• La Cofradía Urbanization.

• Ruben Vallejo.

• James III.

• Villa Beatriz.

• Batavia Urbanization.

• The Giralda.

• Laredo.

• Village Breezes.

• Bavarian paradise.

• El Triunfo Urbanization.

• Atahualpa El Cajón.

• Flowers.

• The puddle.

• Atahualpa.

• El Charco (Rural).

• Saint Paul Jericho.

• Kassandra.

• La Zelfita Shelter.

• The Chircal.

• Big bridge.

• Brisas Aldea Fontibón.

• Costabelda Urbanization.

• Torres del Rubí.

• Ambalema lots 2 and 3.

• Jericho.

• Puddle.

• El Pedregal.

• La Macarena Fleet.

• Montevideo Urbanization 1a. Stage.

• The portal.

• Almagrario.

• Chircales.

• The triangle.

• The Cámbulos.

• SC Belén Fontibón.

• Bodybuilder.

• International.

• Corpacero Urbanization.

• Modelia Towers.

• Modelia Forest.

• Chaplaincy.

• Western Modelia.

• Mallorca.

• Montevideo Urbanization Mz 13b.

• Batavia.

• El Chital II Sector Urbanization.

• Villemar.

• Fontibón spinners.

• New Villemar.

• Los Hayuelos Portal.

• Guadual Fontibón.

• Frank.

• Semi-industrial Vision.

• Centennial.

• Verce Valley.

• Fontibón Lagoon.

• La Dulzura Urbanization.

• Manuel Cristóbal El Portal Urbanization.

• The Laurel.

• Saint Paul.

• Guadual.

• San Pedro de Los Robles.

• La Lorena Urbanization.

• Bengal Urbanization.

• Villa Beatriz.

• Veracruz.

• Belén Fontibón.

• Versalles Fontibón.

• Capellanía Urbanization.

• Bellavista Los Pantanos.

• Salamanca Urbanization.

• El Paraíso Urbanization.

• Breezes.

• The Bohíos of Hunza III Sector.

• The Pearl.

• Saturn.

• San Antonio Fontibón.

• La Abadía Urbanization.

• Bahía Solano.

• SC Villa Carmenza.

• Betania Urbanization.

• Jordan II Sector.

• Villa Carmenza.

• Santiago Urbanization.

• Caldas Estate.

• Moravian Development.

• Big bed sheet.

• The island.

• Torcoroma.

• La Palestine Urbanization.

• Flanders.

• La Giralda II Sector.

• Palestine.

• Interindustrial.

• Prado Grande Urbanization.

• Ciudad Salitre 3 A. Stage.

• Transport terminal.

• Salitre City.

• Roof Farms.

• Sredni Industrial Estate.

• Villa Alsace.

• Montevideo.

• Wood Immunizer.

• Montevideo Industrial Urbanization.

• SC Interindustrial.

• Interindustrial – El Vergel.

• San Lorenzo Urbanization.

• The Mat.

• El Cuco La Estancia.

• Valparaíso II Stage.

• Ferrocaja.

• Fontibón Center.

• Holy Corner.

• Monte Carlo.

• Arabia Urbanization.

• Carmen Fontibón.

• Veracruz II Sector.

• The Jordan.

• Santander.

• Boston.

• The Central Tintal.

• Western Modelia.

• Modelia Corner.

• Altos de San Sebastián.

• Cundinamarca Property.

• Saint Cecilia.

• Centenario Avenue Urbanization.

• Moravia.

• The province.

• Ferrocaja.

• Ferrocaja.

• The Provider.

• La Alameda meadows.

• Sauzalito.

• New town.

• Santa Helena Business Park Urbanization.

• Centennial Towers.

• Los Bohíos de Funza Urbanization.

• S C. Ferrocaja.

• Modelia.

• Saint Cecilia.

• Old bed.

• Big Florence Bridge.

• Carmen Fontibón.

• The Rubi.

• Oviedo.

• Industrial park.

• Spring II.

• Villa Flor.

• Villa Liliana.

• Golden Jungle.

• Industrial Construction Center.

• Villa Andrea.

• Western Salitre City.

• Carlos Lleras Restrepo.

• Salitre City.

• The hope.

• The Tintal ASD

• North Hope.

• Nariño Property.

• Free Zone.

• The Vergel.

• The Paradise.

• La Cabaña II Sector.

• The Cabin – El Rubí.

• Group. of Viempro II Housing.

• Villa Carmenza II Sector.

• Versailles International.

• Bethlehem El Eden II – A.

• The Fontibón Cabin.

(Read more: ANI received a new section of the Bogotá – Girardot highway: this is how the works are progressing)

Saving water


(Read more: Austerity in Bogotá: up to $200 billion could be cut in these sectors)

• Alsace.

• Villa Claudia III.

• Villa Claudia II.

• Marseille.

• Santa Rosa del Carvajal.

• Lusitania.

• Marseille Aloha South Sector.

• New Marseille I Sector.

• El Recodo and Petaluna.

• Milenta II Sector.

• La Paz County.

• Southern Forest.

• Hadrian’s Villa.

• Equality.

• Equality II Sector.

• New Marseille II Sector.

• Villa Alsacia Citadel.

• Western San José.

• Sub-Officers Cooperative.

• Bavaria I Sector.

• Villa Emilia.

• Santa Rosa del Carvajal – Torres de Las Américas.

• Central America.

• Equality La Rivera Real.

• The Americas Galán Sector.

• The Triumph of the Americas.

• New Marseille III Sector.

• Western Mortgage.

• Western Mortgage II.

• Western Mortgage III.

• The Americas La Triguera.

• The Americas.

• Villa Claudia.

• Marseille Northern Sector Second Stage.

• La Paz County – Villa Verónica.

• Marseille Aloha North Sector.

• The Pines of Marseille.

• Royal Ensign.

• Our Lady Peace.

• Multifamily La Paz.

• Carvajal – Altamira Urbanization.

• The Corner of Equality.

(Read more: Bogotá works cost $2.2 billion more than budgeted: what will happen?)


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