
Queen Elizabeth II dies: A ‘reassuring presence’ through decades of ‘radical change,’ says Guterres

Queen Elizabeth II dies: A 'reassuring presence' through decades of 'radical change,' says Guterres

In a statement issued Thursday, António Guterres stressed that as the UK’s longest-living and reigning female head of state, she was highly admired for her “grace, dignity and dedication around the world.”

“He was a reassuring presence throughout decades of sweeping change, including the decolonization of Africa and Asia and the evolution of the Commonwealth,” the UN chief said.

A “good friend” of the Organization

Queen Elizabeth II was “a good friend of the United Nations,” Guterres recalled, recalling her visits to the New York headquarters on two occasions, more than fifty years apart.

“She was deeply committed to many charitable and environmental causes and addressed delegates at the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow in an emotional way,” recalled the UN chief.

I would like to pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth II for her unwavering lifelong dedication to serving her people. General secretary.

A display of devotion and leadership

Guterres offered his sincere condolences to his family, the Government and people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the entire Commonwealth of Nations.

“The world will long remember his devotion and leadership,” he concluded.

He spent his last days in Scotland

The monarch died today at the estate known as Balmoral Castle in Scotland, which she used as a royal summer residence for years.

During his last year of reign, he delegated some functions to his eldest son, Prince Charles, heir to the throne, including the presidency of the opening of Parliament last May. The Queen did not attend the ceremony for the first time since 1963

The queen passed away at a politically sensitive time following the recent resignation of Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The new prime minister, Liz Truss, traveled to Scotland’s royal castle on Tuesday to receive the formal task of forming a government.

Truss becomes the fifteenth prime minister to hold the post during the reign of Elizabeth II, the first on the list was Winston Churchill.

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