Science and Tech

PS2 has made history again: after 24 years it has joined Japan’s Future Technology Heritage Register

Dualshock 2

There is no doubt that the PlayStation 2 It is iconic. Not only is it the best-selling console of all time, but it is also a product whose cultural impact and influence on the world of video games is still very evident.

One of the clearest examples of this reality comes to us directly from Japan. As our colleagues at 3D Games have reportedthe PS2 has just been included in the Asian country’s Registry of Future Technological Heritage.

The PS2 makes history decades after its launch

A very curious thing is that it has been 24 years since the launch of the video game console. The PS2 appeared on March 4, 2000 in Japan. Now, more than two decades later, the country is giving him its recognition.

The aforementioned registry is compiled by the National Museum of Nature and Science. Its mission is to include Japanese elements that “have had a significant impact on people’s lives, economy and society.”

The list, it should be noted, is limited to the categories of science and technology. As a result of this we could find products such as Sony’s Walkmanthe first LCD calculator or the first CD player, but no console.

Dualshock 2

That just changed. The PS2 is the first video game console on the list. It was added because “its beautiful graphics were on par with arcade game consoles of the time and allowed for realistic expressions.”

According to the museum, Sony’s console played a leading role in the expansion of the DVD format. They point out that It was cheaper to buy the console than almost any of the non-console DVD players of the time.

Let’s remember that 22 years ago the Japanese government discovered that the PS2 was much more than a simple entertainment object. Its prodigious hardware had the capacity to process three-dimensional images of video games.

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However, this was also worrying. Japan thought that this capacity could be used by foreign actors for military purposes, thus establishing export requirements for selling it outside Japan.

Images | Wikimedia Commons (1, 2)

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