Science and Tech

Promoting organ donation: Children from Hospital Las Higueras received a children’s story “Dono y Vita”

The work that promotes organ donation was delivered to the hospital along with other children’s texts published by Ediciones UCSC.

“Dono y Vita” is a story that promotes organ donation. This Thursday, several copies of the book were delivered to patients at Hospital Las Higueras de Talcahuano, specifically in the area of ​​Pediatrics and Organ Procurement.

At the campus, the academic from the Faculty of Medicine and co-author of “Dono y Vita” was received, together with the Head of the Nursing Sciences Department of UCSC, Carmen Gloria Fraile, by doctors and nurses from the healthcare facility, who They appreciated the contribution.

The doctor and representative of Hospital Las Higueras, Héctor González, stated that “beyond the alliance that exists in teaching and professional training, with this milestone progress is made in a subject full of prejudices such as organ donation. We must provide a solution to these problems, raising awareness in the child population and this is a good way to address it”.

Meanwhile, Javier Cerda, in charge of the Teaching Assistance Agreement of the Talcahuano Health Service, thanked the University for its willingness and stressed that working together has made it possible to achieve important advances, such as carrying out health promotion works during the pandemic.

Álvarez stated that “the University has a responsibility to link not only with an adult public, but also with all ages and facilitate the understanding of complex issues such as, in this case, organ donation. Today this delivery has also been complemented with different children’s books that Ediciones UCSC has published”.

The text contains 36 pages and was written by nurses from the UCSC School of Medicine, Paola Pinilla and Erik Álvarez, who also lead the puppeteer company “Sesenta Little Fingers”. “Dono y Vita” was written to present it to children during a pandemic by the group and was later adapted to give it a story format. Likewise, I already anticipate that it is the first book in a children’s collection and that the second, on responsible animal ownership, is already in progress.

The work can be purchased at the Antarctic Library and at the different points of UCSC Editions available here.

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