economy and politics

President Petro reported that Laura Sarabia had to be hospitalized: this is known

Laura Sarabia

The director of the Administrative Department of the Presidency (Dapre), Laura Sarabia suffered a health mishap for which she is hospitalized. This was announced by President Gustavo Petro during his speech at the launch of the Solidarity Supply Points in Soacha (Cundinamarca), an event that the official would also attend.

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“Laura Sarabia, the director of Dapre, was unable to accompany us because she had to be hospitalized yesterday, and even had to go to intensive care. She has suffered a violent attack via chains, networks, which the press has made official by selling the news without investigating.”said the president, referring to the accusations that have been made against her and her brother, Andrés Sarabia, of course influence peddling.

In his speech, the head of state came out in defense of both, pointing out that it is about “unfounded criticism” and that there is no evidence to demonstrate any irregular act.

”When one reads all the supposed investigations there is nothing that is not the struggle of a boy to try to survive in what he likes, in his tasks of private administration, never public, there is not a single fact that indicates any type of maneuver irregular, dirty play with public money”he stressed.

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Laura Sarabia


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President Petro also indicated that the accusations against his chief of staff are an attempt to attack him directly. “They pass on the honor of a boy who has nothing to do with us, simply to try to make the president look corrupt, which I am not, nor will I be,” he pointed out.

A few weeks ago, versions began to circulate that pointed to a alleged exploitation by Andrés Sarabia of his sister’s position to establish patronage networks and benefit from million-dollar contracts with state entities.

The director of Dapre has denied this information, stressing that legal action will be taken against those who have spread it.

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