economy and politics

PP deputy Ana Belén Vázquez receives a threatening letter: "You should not be afraid of being raped"

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Ana Belén Vázquez, PP deputy in Congress, received an anonymous letter this Thursday with sexist and threatening messages. The deputy, who has published the content of the letter on social networkhas assured that he is not “afraid” of those who sent the letter and that they are not going to “shut him up.” The writing includes insults such as “poligonera” or “shit plug.” “You have the same look and shitty mouth,” the text adds.

The author of the letter assures that after the interventions of the representative in Congress with the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, Vázquez remains “unalterable” as the “best of all the Cobo Calleja polygoneras.”

With a sexist tone, the anonymous sender threatens the deputy, assuring that “no one” would dare to rape her because of the “disgusted face she has,” the “mangy bitch voice,” and the fear that “she might infect them with an STD.”

Vázquez herself explained in a press conference this Thursday, in Congress, that it is not the first time that a woman from the PP has received this type of letters and that they are going to “keep them in case more continue to appear.” The deputy has insisted that they have no fear of these anonymous people and that the letter seems “nauseating” to her.

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