economy and politics

Popular accusation: political interference in the most high-profile cases or guarantee that they will succeed

Popular accusation: political interference in the most high-profile cases or guarantee that they will succeed

The case against Begoña Gómez, wife of the President of the Government; the Koldo plot about alleged corruption in the purchase of masks, the independence process, the fraudulent EREs in Andalusia, the dirty war against ETA by the GAL, the Gürtel case about the irregular financing of the Popular Party, the tax fraud of Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s partner or the black cards of Caja Madrid. And so on, a long list.

These are judicial proceedings of great public relevance and which also have another element in common: they were or are being promoted —totally or partially— by popular accusations. A legal figure that the Constitution defines as a right of citizens to “participate in the Administration of Justice” without being a direct victim of the crime, but which generates controversy when it is used with interests more geared towards propaganda or obtaining sensitive information than towards defending legality.

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