
Poland's Parliament debates reforming restrictive abortion law

Poland's Parliament debates reforming restrictive abortion law

April 11 () –

The Polish Parliament has begun this Thursday to debate several bills that aim to reform the restrictive abortion law existing in the country and that will be put to a vote on Friday in the Chamber.

During his election campaign, the now Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, promised to strengthen women's rights and facilitate access to abortion given that current legislation is one of the most restrictive in the European Union and only allows this practice in case of rape or incest, or in case the woman's life is in danger.

However, Tusk's center-left coalition has not yet reached an agreement on liberalizing abortion. In 2020, the Constitutional Court further tightened the strict Polish law under the government of the then conservative nationalist party Law and Justice (PiS).

The three coalition partners that make up the Tusk Government have already presented a total of four bills to Parliament, including the legalization of abortion up to the twelfth week of pregnancy.

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