
Poland insists that increased border controls in Germany are contrary to the “Schengen spirit”

Poland insists that increased border controls in Germany are contrary to the "Schengen spirit"

September 11 () –

The Polish government has once again criticised the recent decision by German authorities to increase border controls, warning that this is a move that goes against the “Schengen spirit”.

“The assessment seems clear. This is an action contrary to the treaties, the Schengen spirit and European cooperation,” said Polish Foreign Ministry spokesman Pawel Wronski on Wednesday, according to PAP.

Wronski echoed statements made the day before by Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who announced that Warsaw was requesting “urgent” consultations at the European Union level on Berlin’s decision to extend controls on its land borders.

“As is well known in the relations of the European Union, the cooperation of many countries is important,” stressed Wronski, who believes that the measure adopted by Germany arises due to the internal political situation and German migration policies.

Prime Minister Tusk announced on Tuesday that “in the next few hours” Warsaw would contact “other countries that have been affected by Berlin’s decisions to hold urgent consultations on these actions at the European Union level.”

The Polish Prime Minister also stressed that the “full support” of Germany and the entire EU is needed in securing external borders and rejected the idea that democracy and human rights are “in conflict” with a “tough and determined” policy regarding the “defence of borders”.

The European Commission also confirmed on Tuesday that it had received a formal notification from the German Interior Ministry informing it of its decision to reintroduce systematic controls at its land border with other EU countries, a reinforcement of the border that the Schengen Code only allows in exceptional situations for reasons of security and public order.

However, EU spokesperson on migration issues, Anitta Hipper, recalled that the reintroduction of this type of control at the EU’s internal borders should be a “last resort” measure for governments, which must demonstrate that it is a “necessary and proportionate” response to a threat to the country’s security.

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