
PlayStation: our alliance with Square Enix has never been stronger

Although several companies will not go to gamescom 2022, Ubisoft confirms attendance

There is no doubt that one of the most important video game markets is Japan. PlayStation is a company that was not only born in this region, but is also one of the preferred brands because it has the alliance of many Japanese developers, such as Square Enix, which has just endorsed its commitment to Sony, which is stronger than ever. .

This was revealed by the top manager of Sony Interactive Entertainment, Jim Ryan, who appeared virtually and briefly at the pre-launch ceremony of final fantasy 16.

As part of the opening speech, the newly appointed CEO of Square Enix, Takashi Kiryu, took the opportunity to talk about the relationship he has with PlayStation, the platform on which the action RPG title will be released exclusively, and gave the space to Ryan, the which he referred to as one of his “most valuable partners.”

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PlayStation appreciated the support of Square Enix

The Sony executive, for his part, praised the collaboration that dates back to the 90s and stated that “it had never been so strong”, for which he thanked Square Enix.

“The relationship of SIE [Sony Interactive Entertainment] and Square Enix dates back to the very beginning of PlayStation’s existence and that alliance has never been stronger,” said PlayStation’s lead executive. “We value everything we do together and appreciate your commitment to our brand and business. Thanks again”.

In case you missed it: Xbox acknowledges that it is still weak in Japan.

Certainly, the relationship between PlayStation and Square Enix is ​​one of the longest and most important of Sony and it has been thanks to it that PlayStation has had games from the launch company and even exclusively for its platforms. In fact, due to their alliance Final Fantasy VII Remake and Rebirth either Forspoken haven’t made it to Xbox and probably final fantasy 16 late to do it or never do it, just as he did not BABYLON’S FALL.

This draws attention after informants mentioned that the relationship between Square Enix and Xbox is bad and then it was mentioned that Xbox would try to improve its contact with this Japanese company, as it is doing with many others in the region.

What do you think of the statements from Square Enix and PlayStation? Tell us in the comments.

final fantasy 16 it is in development exclusively for PlayStation 5, the platform on which it will debut on June 22, 2023. You can find more news related to it if you visit this page.

Related video: final fantasy 16 – Trailer “Awakening” | Playstation 5 Showcase


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