Planet of Lana is a cinematic puzzle adventure set in a science fiction story “spanning centuries and galaxies.” The title is set on a planet that was once a place where humans and nature lived in harmony, but now it has become something else entirely. The discord that had been brewing for centuries has finally made an appearance in the form of a faceless army, dangerous alien machines that have mysteriously appeared and kidnapped several of the planet’s inhabitants including Lana’s sister, our protagonist.
To free her people, young Lana will have the help of Mui, a cat-like creature. The two will travel the length and breadth of a planet where they will encounter strange creatures and dangerous machines as they explore different postcard-perfect settings, including lush forests, mysterious caves, arid desert landscapes, and lush beaches. Despite the fact that Lana and Mui face the invasion and occupation of their homeland, Planet of Lana is not a story about war, but “it is the story of a journey to protect a beautiful planet full of life. ”.
The gameplay of Planet of Lana is based on platforming, puzzles and “tense” stealth sequences. Everything is designed around cooperative gameplay connecting Lana and Mui. Only by working together will they be able to solve the puzzles and avoid the dangers that lurk, from the robotic threats that have mysteriously landed on the planet to the not always friendly fauna that lives in the environments of this world. Like many other narrative puzzle games, Planet of Lana doesn’t tell its story or provide answers directly, but rather offers them little by little.
Behind Planet of Lana we find Wishfully, a Swedish studio founded in 2018 that presents itself to the video game industry with this first project. Critics have received Planet of Lana with an average score of 81 and 84, according to OpenCritic and Metacriticrespectively.