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The president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, who leads the Executive after the impeachment and capture of Pedro Castillo, announced that she is withdrawing the ambassador of her country in Mexico. The decision was made as a sign of protest against the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who describes the arrest of the ousted president as “unfair” and who extends his solidarity to the family of the former left-wing president. Lima accuses the Mexican president of “interference.”
From now on, diplomatic relations between Peru and Mexico are reduced “to the level of business managers.” This was announced by President Dina Boluarte.
The Peruvian president’s statements came after she withdrew her ambassador Manuel Gerardo Talavera Espinar from the Mexican capital, in response to comments by her Mexican counterpart who called her government “unconstitutional.”
“I have ordered the definitive retirement of our ambassador in the United Mexican States,” remarked on Friday, February 24, the head of state, who until last December served as vice president of Pedro Castillo. Boluarte assumed the leadership of the Executive after the Congress removed the former leftist president, who has been detained ever since.
President Dina Boluarte announced the definitive withdrawal of the Peruvian ambassador in Mexico in rejection of the repeated expressions of the Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador on internal affairs of our country.
– Chancellery Peru ?? (@CancilleriaPeru) February 25, 2023
For Boluarte, the critical position assumed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) in the face of the political crisis in Peru is inadmissible.
His most recent defense of Castillo occurred on Friday, February 24, when AMLO stated at a press conference that he would continue to support the former rural teacher, since he was “illegally” and “unfairly” expelled from the Presidency after being democratically elected.
Boluarte accuses AMLO of “interference”
Although the Mexican president has shown his continued support for the former president and granted asylum to the family of the ousted leader, his latest remarks raised fury in Lima.
“With his statements, Mr. López violates the principle of international law on non-interference in internal affairs, as well as those that refer to the defense and promotion of democracy,” Boluarte said in a speech.
The president went further and accused López Obrador of supporting Castillo’s “coup d’état” attempt.
?? ?? | CRISIS PERU – MEX: The straw that broke the camel’s back, and the reason why today the government of Dina Boluarte decided to withdraw the Mexican ambassador, is because Lopez Obrador declared that “Castillo is illegally imprisoned and that he be restored.” Lopez Lobrador is a miserable cretin
—Carlo Martin (@Liberfacherit0) February 25, 2023
In the midst of a constant confrontation with the Legislature of his country, with a right-wing opposition majority, which was advancing the third motion of censure against him for alleged corruption and “moral incapacity” to hold office – accusations that he denies – last 7 December Castillo announced that he was dissolving Congress and installing an emergency Administration.
But the measures played against him and far from following his guidelines, legislators quickly voted and approved his dismissal.
Castillo’s call was described as a “self-coup”, aggravated the crisis, led to the resignation of several members of his cabinet and the rejection by the country’s Armed Forces.
Castillo remains in provisional prison in a Lima jail and faces sentences of no less than ten years, under the crimes of rebellion and conspiracy.
With Reuters and EFE