If you are independent worker and you are not paying your social Security, Be careful, as you could be penalized for not complying with these labor regulations.
The Pension and Parafiscal Management Unit (UGPP), As explained by an expert lawyer from the Free University, A number of sanctions can be imposed if the self-employed person presents evasion or avoidance in the payment of their pension contributions, with the ability to pay.
(See: This is how the social security contribution for independents remains).
The sanctions are enshrined in the article 314 of Law 1819/16, that establishes them depending on the fault. And they also apply to the administrators of the Social Protection System that fail to comply.
Below, we explain the sanctions you could receive:
– If you do not declare or correct, despite having been required, 5% of the value not settled and paid for each month or fraction of a month of delay, without exceeding 100% of the value of the contribution in charge, and without prejudice to the default interest that may apply.
(See: How you can save on layoffs if you are an independent worker).
– The contributor who has been notified of the requirement to declare and/or correct, that corrects the self-assessment of the Social Protection Parafiscal Contributions due to inaccuracy, must settle and pay a penalty equivalent to 35% of the difference between the value to be paid and the promptly declared value.
– Contributors from whom the UGPP requests information and/or evidence, who do not provide it within the established period, or who provide it incompletely or inaccurately, will be credited with a sanction of up to 15,000 UVT, in favor of the national treasury, which will be settled according to the number of months or fraction of months of breach.
(See: How to join the ARL if you are self-employed?).
– The administrators of the Social Protection System Those who fail to comply with the standards that the UGPP established for the collection of Parafiscal Contributions of Social Protection, will be penalized up to two hundred (200) UVT.
It must also be taken into account that the worker who does not comply with this regulation will stop receiving the Health services because it will not be within the contributory regime as independent or in the subsidized regime.
In the event that the employee cannot pay, he must prove it to be a member of Sisbén.
(See: Quality of life and good salaries, what digital talent seeks the most).
It is necessary to highlight that the independent worker must pay social security over 40% of their monthly income, based on the monthly minimum wage. From this value, he must contribute 12.5% for health and 16% for pension.