
Pedro Castillo will not be able to travel to Colombia for the assumption of Gustavo Petro

Pedro Castillo will not be able to travel to Colombia for the assumption of Gustavo Petro

Peruvian President Pedro Castillo will not be able to attend the inauguration of Gustavo Petro this Sunday in Colombia. The Congress rejected yesterday with 67 votes against, 42 in favor and five abstentions a request to be absent from the country from this Saturday until Monday.

“From the Executive we have always respected the independence of the powers of the State. I regret that, in an unusual and arrogant way, Congress prevents me from attending an international ceremonial event. This fact undermines the democratic ties with the sister Republic of Colombia,” Castillo wrote in a tweetafter hearing the decision.

Foreign Minister César Landa also asked Parliament to reconsider its vote. “Our international image is once again called into question by not authorizing the President’s trip to the transfer of command in Colombia. I call on the congressmen, who on other occasions have reversed decisions to honor Peru’s international commitments, “he said on his social networks.

According to the Constitution, the President of the Republic must apply to Parliament for a permit to be absent from Peruvian territory when he has international commitments or events abroad. In his replacement, the vice president assumes the functions.

Castillo is the first head of state to be denied a trip abroad in the country’s history.

The parliamentarians’ decision was based on the fact that Castillo is being investigated by the National Prosecutor’s Office for the alleged crimes of influence peddling, cover-up and obstruction of justice. For that reason, they argued that the president could escape or request asylum in another foreign country so as not to return to account to justice.

On the other hand, they argued that Castillo has not solved the latest crisis of his government. On Wednesday, the jurist Aníbal Torres resigned as prime minister after five months in office. On Friday, the president would name his successor, who would be the fifth ministerial chief of staff in a year. The replacement in other portfolios is not ruled out either.

The refusal of the trip to Castillo had repercussions at the international level. The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States published a message on Twitter to lament the absence of the Peruvian president in Colombia. “The assumption of a new president in the region is an institutional event of the utmost importance, which reflects the will of a brother nation and creates a favorable environment for joint work among the leaders that make up CELAC.”

The foreign ministers of Mexico and Chile also expressed regret that President Pedro Castillo was not authorized to attend. “High-level meetings will be held there to deal with inflation-recession, the food crisis and new health risks. We will miss Peru,” said Marcelo Ebrad, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico.

“I regret that President Pedro Castillo must be absent from Gustavo Petro’s change of command in Colombia. There are few opportunities to get together to discuss the challenges we face as a region,” wrote Antonia Urrejola, the highest representative of Chilean diplomacy.

Vice President Dina Boluarte, who is also facing an impeachment request in Congress, will replace Castillo in Gustavo Petro’s inauguration.

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