
Panama demands “solutions” for the causes of irregular immigration

Panama demands “solutions” for the causes of irregular immigration

The precarious situations faced by immigrants as they pass through the dangerous stretch of the Darién jungle in Panama, was addressed on Thursday by the vice president of that Central American nation, José Gabriel Carrizo, when speaking before the General Assembly of the ONU.

“Possible solutions to this painful and unfortunate situation include the countries of origin, in which poverty and social marginalization determine irregular migration, as well as those of us who are recipients of this transit, and especially the countries of destination” Carrizo said in the afternoon.

Carrizo also exposed his government’s initiative to attack poverty and social inequality as the causes that promote irregular immigration and that this nation experiences directly as it is a transit territory for millions of people who, coming from southern lands, try each year reach Mexico and the United States.

The “dangerous” crossing of the Darien

The Panamanian vice president also denounced the actions of human traffickers, who use immigrants in their desperation to reach their destination. “This is not just a migration in transit. This situation includes and also hides criminal organizations that are dedicated to the nefarious business of human trafficking”, he indicated.

Thousands of people cross the Darien jungleon the border with Colombia, which has become “a dangerous and hostile crossing where they risk their lives, get sick and die,” he said.

At least 68,575 Venezuelan migrants have crossed the Darien Gap in the last eight months of the year on their way to the United States, according to data released by the Colombian Ombudsman’s Office.

Venezuelan migrants crossing from Colombia to Panama far outnumber the 6,359 Haitian migrants.

Carrizo, although he did not go into specific details, referred to his government efforts “for the attention and help of migrants”, as exposed recently the National Border Service of Panama (SENAFRONT) in an interview with the voice of america.

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