
PALESTINE The family of Shireen Abu Akleh appeals to the International Criminal Court

He filed a formal complaint against Israel with the ICC. The lawyers hope that with this they can “end the impunity” enjoyed by the country and its army in the Territories. The brother, Anton: shooting a journalist is an attempt to “deliberately kill”. The disinterest of the United States and President Biden.

Jerusalem () – The family of Shireen Abu Akleh, the Palestinian journalist killed on May 11 by a bullet fired by an Israeli soldier during a military operation in Jenin, West Bank, is willing to take all necessary steps to obtain justice and punish those responsible. For this reason, she has filed a formal complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague (Netherlands), as reported in recent hours.

For 25 years, the reporter was, to Al-Jazeera and other media outlets, the “voice of Palestine,” as it has been repeatedly called in recent months. She died after being shot in the head while doing her job – in fact, she was reporting on the military’s operation. She was wearing a protective helmet and a bulletproof vest, with the symbol of the press clearly visible, as required by protocol. Her colleague Ali al-Samoudi, who was accompanying her at the time, was also injured in the back in her incident and has since recovered.

Yesterday, Shireen Abu Akleh’s brother, Anton, spoke before the judges at The Hague court and confirmed that the family is willing to do whatever it takes to bring their murderer to justice for the crime he committed. “As we have said on other occasions, and as other reports show, there were more than 16 shots fired at Shireen and other journalists,” he said. “They were even able to target the person who was trying to protect her after he was shot,” he added.

Anton also rejected the error or unfortunate accident argument: his sister was clearly identifiable as a member of the press, unarmed and posed no danger or threat to the military who allegedly intentionally fired from an armored vehicle. “Whoever shoots a journalist or a representative of the press tries to kill intentionally,” he stressed.

In 2021, the ICC ruled that it has jurisdiction over violence and war crimes occurring in the occupied West Bank. Hence the hope that some cases, like that of the journalist, can be investigated and the perpetrators brought to justice. In the complaint, the journalist’s family has the support of the Palestinian Journalists Union and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).

Abu Akleh was also a US citizen, but US authorities and President Joe Biden have so far ignored the family’s pleas for help. Twice, the White House occupant turned down meeting requests. In addition, Washington has not wanted to support the request for an independent investigation. “There is no mystery about what happened, except for the name and identity of his murderer,” concludes Anton. In September, the Israeli authorities spoke of a “high probability” that a soldier could have killed the journalist, but ruled out the option. of a criminal investigation into the case.The family’s lawyer hopes that the ICC judges can “end Israel’s impunity”.

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