The influential politician, who was also the leader of the opposition, wants to expel more than 60 families despite having received the corresponding payments. With maneuvers in court he managed to obtain an eviction ruling from the judges of the Supreme Court, and he has no intention of returning the money he has received so far. Complaints to the Chief Minister of Punjab and the Prime Minister of Pakistan.
Faisalabad () – Dozens of Christian families from Akbarabad, in the district of Faisalabad (Punjab), held a protest (in the photo) against the influential politician and former opposition leader Raja Riaz, who, thanks to a sentence of the Supreme Court, wants to expel them from their homes. The dispute affects more than 60 families who have lived in the settlement since 1960, built on land believed to be government property. However, the influential politician managed to prove that those lands belonged to his ancestors and that Justice granted him ownership.
In order not to lose their homes, the Christian families had reached an agreement with Raja Riaz, they agreed to stay in the place by paying a certain sum of money – a kind of rent. The contract – accompanied by the corresponding receipts for payment of compensation, which the inhabitants have repeatedly presented – provides for the payment of a sum of 750,000 rupees (2,700 US dollars) per marla (approximately 272 square meters). So far, some families have paid up to US$57,6450 to avoid being evicted and have already made the full payment of the amount required by the contract.
However, apparently the politician has changed his plans and considers the stipulated agreement null and void – but retaining the money he has received so far – and wants to obtain the eviction of the entire property. Shahzad Joseph, one of the residents of Akbarabad, explained to what happened: “We had an agreement with Raja Riaz, which was signed at the car dealership he owned. And we have already paid a large sum of money, as evidenced by the receipts.” However, he secretly maneuvered to obtain a court order for eviction and “now the Supreme Court has ruled that this land belongs to him and that he can expel the Christians from the settlement.”
There are about 25 families who have been doubly victimized, because they could soon be evicted from their homes even though they have paid the agreed rent, and the police have already threatened to intervene. “We are all humble families and we work for a daily wage, we can barely make ends meet – continues Shahzad Joseph -, but we do everything possible to pay the dues on time. However, we remain subject to these threats.” After spending an Easter of anguish and worry, the families are asking the Punjab Chief Minister and the Pakistani Prime Minister for justice.
Shahid Anwar, lawyer and coordinator of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Catholic Church, told that it is “very sad” that the Christians of Akbarabad “are being mistreated after an agreement was reached between the two parties.” There is no doubt, he continues, that “that land belongs to Raja Riaz, but if he is receiving money from them he should respect his right to use it. I invite the government to investigate the case fairly, because Christians have receipts for payment of fees. I ask Khalil Tahir Sandhu, senator and Minister of Human Rights, to study the situation – concludes the Catholic leader – and help the Christian community that is very worried these days.” “We are very poor, we cannot build a new house, we have children and elderly parents, we can't go anywhere and start our lives again. We can barely – a local Christian shouts desperately – feed our families, how can we give a roof to our children with such a low income. Please help us “.