economy and politics

Óscar Puente announces a direct train from Teruel and Logroño to Madrid starting in November

Renfe has already sold 30,000 tickets to Galicia and Asturias in less than 24 hours with a promotion starting at 18 euros

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The Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Óscar Puente, has announced the launch of a direct train from Teruel to Madrid for the first time and from Logroño to the Spanish capital, both services starting next November.

This was announced by the minister in an appearance called to detail the new plan launched by the Government for the Spanish railway network, which will incorporate new services following the arrival of the new Avril trains from Talgo.

Renfe has already received the first 10 trains of the 30 ordered from this company, and before July it will receive another 16 convoys, of which 10 will be destined for France and the rest mainly for Galicia and Asturias, but which will allow the service to be reorganized in the rest of the country.

This plan will be carried out in three phases, which will be marked by the expansion works of Madrid-Chamartín, the country's main railway hub along with Madrid-Atocha. The reorganization will improve the connection in 11 communities: Galicia, Asturias, Extremadura, Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Andalusia, Catalonia, Valencian Community, La Rioja and Aragón.

Puente explained that it is the first time since 2010 that a new long-distance train has been incorporated in Spain, after the investment deficit of the last decade, a change that will also occur in commuter trains this year, which has not been available since 2008. renewed its fleet.

The plan will allow for a third frequency in Madrid-Badajoz, with 600 new seats; a fourth to Cádiz, with 3,500 new places; Madrid-Algeciras will add a new service with 600 more seats; A fourth frequency with 2,800 seats will go to Salamanca; to Almería via Granada another with 840 more seats; to Huelva a second daily frequency with almost 4,000 seats; and Barcelona-Cádiz will have 900 more.

In addition, Avlo services to Seville and Malaga will be increased in the summer, while the new services to Teruel and Logroño will add up to 3,600 and 3,200 new seats in these connections starting in November.

“In short, new services and better connections to continue gaining ground in road transport and playing a crucial role in the history and structure of this country, after high speed has skyrocketed by 36% in February compared to the previous year. “, explained Puente, who has announced that next year the 13 107 trains will also arrive (the next series to the 106-Avril).


At the same press conference, the president of Renfe, Raül Blanco, announced that around 11:00 a.m. this Friday, nearly 30,000 tickets had already been sold to Galicia and Asturias in less than 24 hours after the launch of an offer. of 39,000 from 18 euros.

Specifically, there were 16,000 sales in the relationship between Madrid and Galicia and around 12,000 tickets in the service between the capital and Asturias, thanks to the new services that will be launched from May 21 with the new Avril trains. variable width.

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