
Orbán advocates vetoing any EU sanction against the Russian energy sector

File - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

File – Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. – Franti k Iv TASR/dpa – File

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He assures that sending battle tanks implies participating “directly” in the war

27 Jan. () –

The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, has indicated this Friday that he will veto any European Union sanction against the Russian nuclear energy sector and has affirmed that sending battle tanks already implies participating “directly” in the war of Ukraine.

“We are not going to allow any plan that includes nuclear energy on the sanctions list. It is beyond any doubt,” said Orbán, who has thus responded to requests from the Ukrainian government, which seeks to impose sanctions against the Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation .

Thus, he has insisted that without the sanctions of the European Union, inflation would have been reduced by half despite the conflict. “For us, Hungary comes first, that is why we are not at war with anyone,” he declared, according to reports from the Kossuth radio station.

“Hungary’s interest is to stay out of war. People choose peace. War must be localized and must not be internationalized,” he asserted. “The government is taking measures to prevent Hungary from going to war and, if it does, it would have to face the will of the people,” she stressed.

In this sense, he recalled that countries like Germany “at first only sent helmets (…) and now they are sending tanks and talking about sending fighters.” “It is clear that if a person does not show restraint at the beginning, he can end up fully entering the conflict,” she has indicated.

“It is clear that arming a country and helping to increase its budget means being involved in the war,” Orbán reaffirmed, stressing that Hungary will not be convinced.

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