
One of the Sahrawi refugee camps declared a disaster zone due to torrential rains

September 24 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) has declared one of the refugee camps in the Algerian province of Tindouf a disaster zone after two days of heavy rainfall in the area.

The rains that have fallen over the past two days have forced the displacement of some 350 families in the Dakhla camp, according to a statement from the Red Crescent, which has also confirmed damage to homes and other educational and medical facilities in the area.

The Interior Ministry of the SADR, controlled by the Polisario Front, has announced that, “in view of the exceptional situation”, a disaster has been formally declared throughout the wilaya and some non-essential activities, including classes, have been halted.

“We urge all residents and authorities in the area to take extreme precautions and take preventive measures, staying away from fragile buildings or ponds, as well as staying away from electrical cables and generators,” reads the note reported by the SPS agency.

The Red Crescent is also working to assess the damage caused by a storm that last week had already caused havoc in other camps. The organisation has launched an appeal to other organisations and all donors for “urgent” assistance, given the precarious situation.

The five camps, located near the town of Tindouf, are home to some 170,000 refugees. According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), 88 percent of the population suffer from food shortages and 60 percent have no economic activity.

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