
One of the most popular manga in recent years will finally have an anime

Sakamoto Days will finally have an animated series

There is good news for anime fans, as one of the most popular mangas of recent years will finally be adapted into an animated series. We refer to Sakamoto Daysthe popular work of the mangaka Yuuto Suzuki. Best of all, the production won’t take that long to debut, as it is planned for early next year. The project was revealed with a trailer that left fans of the franchise very excited.

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the anime of Sakamoto Days will debut in 2025

Sakamoto Days will finally have an animated series

Since its debut in 2020, Sakamoto Days gained popularity very quickly. It has received praise from both manga fans and specialized critics. This is due to its originality and its great mix of action, comedy and drama.

Yuuto Suzuki’s manga is considered one of the most outstanding series of Weekly Shōnen Jump in recent years. It stars Taro Sakamoto, a legendary assassin who retired from the world of crime to live a quiet life as a store owner with his family; However, things will become more complicated for him to be able to lead a normal life.

This morning, TMS Entertainment announced the production of an anime Sakamoto Dayswhich will premiere sometime in January 2025. The series will be directed by Masaki Watanabewhile the character design will be carried out by Yo Moriyama.

The script will be the responsibility of Yuto Suzukiwhile Taku Kishimoto will do the music for the series. Below you can see the first trailer for the production, which shows its lethal protagonist in action:

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