
NVIDIA releases a teaser confirming the release of Ada Lovelace

NVIDIA releases a teaser confirming the release of Ada Lovelace

NVIDIA has been posting some tweets for a few days related to Project Beyondsomething that is probably not exclusively the release of the company’s upcoming GeForce graphics cards, but in the teaser that has been seen today, at least we will have technology that will reach them.

In the tweet below these lines we see the teaser in question, which initially shows a desk with a computer, but if we look in more detail, it reveals something with figures on a Post-It. The written text is (208) 629-7538something that some indicate may mean that the AD102 GPU has 75,380 million transistors, 629mm2 of surface, and 208% of the performance that we currently find in the GA102 GPU.

Likewise, a document called “Diagram for the computation by the Engine of the Numbers of Bernoulli” is also shown. a document created by Ada Lovelace in 1843 and that leaves no room for doubt as to what we expect to find at the next NVIDIA event.

As we mentioned, we may not get to see a complete presentation of the new NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 Series, but we will certainly see, at the very least, the AD102 GPU, something that will pave the way to know what lies ahead in the next generation of graphics cards.

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Article Writer: Jordi Bercial

Jordi Bercial

Avid technology and electronics enthusiast. I’ve been messing around with computer components almost since I could walk. I started working at Geeknetic after winning a contest on their forum about writing hardware articles. Drift, mechanics and photography lover. Feel free to leave a comment on my articles if you have any questions.

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