Science and Tech

Nvidia is in the middle of antitrust investigations over its dominance in AI

Nvidia is in the middle of antitrust investigations over its dominance in AI

“We compete based on decades of investment and innovation, by scrupulously adhering to every law, by making Nvidia available in every cloud and on-premises to every enterprise, and by ensuring customers can choose the solution that’s best for them,” Mangalindan said.

According to estimates by investment bank Mizuho Securities, Nvidia controls between 70 and 95% of the market for chips needed to train the large language models needed to run the latest AI applications.

This performance has allowed the company to rank among the three most valuable in the world, alongside giants such as Microsoft and Apple. In addition, one of the most important points of its growth was that it occurred in the last two years, hand in hand with the boom in generative AI.

Even other competitors, such as AMD, have also launched their own specialized AI chips to boost their profits. In fact, the company said in its quarterly report that revenue from data center PUs had exceeded $4.5 billion, compared to expectations of $4 billion.

Regulators eye Nvidia’s acquisitions

The second, however, is related to the acquisition of Run:AI, a company of Israeli origin, for which Nvidia spent 700 million dollars and which specializes in software for managing Graphic Processing Units (GPUs).

In this case, the specific reasons for the concern surrounding the Run:AI purchase were not disclosed, but regulators typically conduct investigations to ensure that such purchases by large technology companies do not fall into anti-competitive practices.

In fact, last month some of the most important regulatory bodies in the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom pledged to “protect against tactics that undermine fair competition or lead to unfair or deceptive practices in the AI ​​ecosystem.”

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