
North Korea assures that it will send balloons with garbage to South Korea again if it launches leaflets again

North Korea assures that it will send balloons with garbage to South Korea again if it launches leaflets again

Pyongyang reports launching 3,500 balloons with “15 tons of garbage” so Seoul can see “how unpleasant it feels” to remove them


The North Korean authorities have assured this Sunday that they will once again send balloons with manure and garbage to South Korea, which this Sunday has reported the arrival of some 720 objects of this type, if from the south they again launch propaganda pamphlets in the north.

“We will temporarily stop the spread of waste over the border, as our action has been a countermeasure. But if the Republic of Korea resumes spreading anti-DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) leaflets, we will reciprocate by intensively spreading waste and garbage a hundred times the amount of leaflets scattered,” said Vice Defense Minister Kim Kang Il, according to a statement shared by the North Korean news agency, KCNA.

In that sense, he has reported that Pyongyang has launched 3,500 balloons with “15 tons” of waste, which he has described as the “favorite toy of human scum”, between May 28 and June 2.

“We have given the Republic of Korea enough experience of how unpleasant it feels and how much effort it takes to remove so much scattered waste,” Kim added.

A few hours earlier, the South Korean Army had denounced the launching of some 720 balloons with manure and garbage by North Korea, hours after another ten balloons crossed the border in what Seoul considers a violation of the ceasefire. .

The balloons carried various pieces of trash, such as cigarette butts, paper and plastic bags, like the previous balloons, according to the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the South Korean Army.

The South Korean Executive is studying taking countermeasures, after North Korea has interfered with GPS signals in waters near the northwestern border islands of South Korea for five days in a row. In addition, the National Security Council is scheduled to meet late this Sunday to “debate the provocation of the Northern balloon.”

South Korea could consider carrying out psychological warfare against North Korea, including military authorities resuming public address broadcasts along the border or sending leaflets critical of the North’s regime. .

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