Science and Tech

Nintendo will repair Joy-Con controllers with drift problems for free in Europe even if their warranty has expired

Nintendo will repair Joy-Con controllers with drift problems for free in Europe even if their warranty has expired

3 Apr. (Portaltic/EP) –

Nintendo has made available to users in Europe a new service to repair your Joy-Con controllers for free of the Nintendo Switch in the event of a malfunction due to a drift problem, even if it is caused by wear and tear or its warranty has expired.

The drifting It is a problem that is observed in the controls of some video game consoles and that causes difficulties in the ability to react when playing, since I know register involuntary movements in the ‘joysticks’ that result in problems in the gaming experience.

Drift issues on Switch Joy-Con controllers have been a recurring issue among gamers for the past few years. Thus, Nintendo recognized in October of last year 2021 that the wear problems in these controls may be unavoidable. Faced with this situation, Nintendo made available to users in the United States a free repair service in order to solve the ‘drift’ problem.

Now, the Japanese company has indicated in its consumer support page that will offer this same free Joy-Con repair service with ‘drift’ problems for all consumers who have purchased the product “within the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom or Switzerland”.

That is, the manufacturer of the Nintendo Switch has expanded the repair to the most European countries, including Spain. In addition, this repair service applies even if the 36-month manufacturer’s warranty provided by Nintendo has “already expired.” As Nintendo has clarified, it does not matter if the reason for this failure is the wear itself.

However, the company also clarifies that it could “refuse to repair the problem” of ‘drift’ of the Joy-Con for free has been caused by accessories or other objects intended to be used with the controller, “but not made by Nintendo”; if the command has been used for commercial purposes or for rent; if the problem has been caused by “accidental damage or own negligence“; or if the control has been opened, modified or repaired by someone else to Nintendo. Nor will it be repaired if the serial number of the controller has been “altered, modified or deleted”.

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