Science and Tech

Nicotine and antidepressants among the contaminants found in Antarctic waters

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A new study exposes the real extent of maritime pollution in remote corners of the planet caused by human civilization.

The study shows that the presence of polluting substances derived from human activity, in inland and coastal waters of Antarctica, can pose a toxicological risk to the local environment. Taking into account the results obtained, the research team recommends moving forward in taking more effective measures to avoid this problem in Antarctica.

Specialists from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), the Institute for Environmental Diagnosis and Water Studies (IDAEA, dependent on the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)), the Water Institute of the University of Granada and the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME), all these institutions in Spain.

In the work, the human influence on the chemical contamination of the waters of the northern region of the Antarctic peninsula has been evaluated. To this end, various anthropogenic organic pollutants of emerging concern have been quantified, both in freshwater and in coastal marine waters, and additionally the risk associated with them has been determined.

The samples analyzed come from many different sources: streams, lagoons, springs and even coastal marine water. The samples have been taken in areas affected by anthropic activities (bases, camps and tourism) and also in areas with no apparent human or animal presence.

Base Juan Carlos I, one of the places examined in the study. (Photo: Luis Moreno)

Analyzes of anthropogenic organic micropollutants included seven pharmaceuticals (the pain relievers acetaminophen, diclofenac, and ibuprofen, the blood cholesterol and triglyceride regulator bezafibrate, the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide, the antibiotic clarithromycin, and the antidepressants citalopram and venlafaxine), the stimulants nicotine, and caffeine. , the ultraviolet filter benzophenone 1 and the anticorrosive industrial product tolitriazole.

Miren López de Alda, scientific researcher at IDAEA and responsible for the analysis of these contaminants, remarks that “nicotine and citalopram had not been studied before in Antarctica, while the rest of the substances were included in the study because the same or other Research groups had already detected them before and according to the previous results obtained, they presented a moderate or high toxicological risk for aquatic organisms”.

In addition to investigating anthropogenic organic pollutants, the study characterizes the investigated water physicochemically, determining its components and the content of inorganic pollutants. Luis Moreno Merino, senior scientist at IGME, points out that “biological activity indicators such as ammonium, nitrate, nitrite and phosphate do not show a significant correlation between them or with the degree of human or biological activity. However, a relationship was observed between the total concentrations of organic contaminants and the individual concentrations of clarithromycin, nicotine and venlafaxine with the degree of human impact, which confirms that human activities carried out in Antarctica are responsible for the dispersion of this type of pollutants in its waters”.

The work classifies the organic contaminants identified based on their presence in the investigated samples and on a hazard index, which integrates their bioaccumulation potential, persistence and aquatic toxicity. In this regard, Cristina Postigo, Ramón y Cajal researcher at the University of Granada and co-author of the study, highlights that “After the risk assessment carried out, the substances that arouse the greatest concern in this region are citalopram, clarithromycin, nicotine , venlafaxine and hydrochlorothiazide, which should continue to be monitored in Antarctic waters and biota in the future”.

According to Jerónimo López, Professor Emeritus of the Autonomous University of Madrid and one of the co-authors of the study, “This research shows that human activities contribute contaminants that, due to their nature, persistence and dispersal capacity, pose a potential threat to the Antarctic environment. In addition, ice-free areas, where most of the samples studied come from, present a particular hydrogeological situation and are especially relevant because they are fragile ecosystems that contain great biological diversity”.

The work shows that the chemical contamination of anthropic origin is dispersed, reaching areas where there is no scientific activity and even less tourism. It is therefore observed that the contamination by anthropic organic compounds of emerging concern is not limited to the areas close to the anthropic activities that emit them, and may be influenced by different environmental processes. Coastal waters showed less contamination by anthropic organic compounds and a more homogeneous pattern in terms of compounds present and concentrations than the inland freshwaters investigated.

Jerónimo López concludes that “The results obtained recommend continuing with the monitoring and studies on environmental contamination in Antarctica, especially in a region such as the one studied, which has the highest concentration of bases, ships, and visitors, both tourists and scientists and logistic support staff. On the other hand, the results of this work indicate that it is recommendable that the Antarctic Treaty System, especially the Committee for the Protection of the Antarctic Environment, reinforce the measures leading to reduce the impact of human presence in Antarctica.

The study is titled “Human footprint on the water quality from the northern Antarctic Peninsula region”. And it has been published in the academic journal Journal of Hazardous Materials. (Source: UAM)

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