Science and Tech

New theory of origin suggests that the Universe would be someone’s chemistry project

Planet Earth

One of the biggest mysteries surrounding life is the origin of the Universeto which different scientists and experts have put forward different theories trying to explain it, the best known being the Big Bang.

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Recently, Harvard professor and astronomer Abraham Loeb proposed a new theory which he published in an article in the prestigious magazine ‘Scientific American’, in which he suggests that we could be “someone’s chemistry project“.

A less explored possibility is that our universe was created in the laboratory of a technologically advanced civilization. Since our universe has a flat geometry with zero net energy, an advanced civilization could have developed a technology that created a baby universe out of nothing through quantum tunneling.“, the astronomer notes in the document.

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The professor, who has become popular in recent years for his revolutionary and exotic thoughts, based the new theory on the possible origin story “unifies the religious notion of a creator with the secular notion of quantum gravity“.

Therefore, Loeb proposes a theory that retains a basis both in the faith that a large part of the global population maintains towards a God, as well as in science..

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Planet Earth


A more advanced civilization might have accomplished this feat and mastered the technology of creating baby universes. If that happened, then it could not only explain the origin of our universe, but it would also suggest that a universe like ours is like a biological system that maintains the longevity of its genetic material across multiple generations.“, says the astronomer.

Also He pointed out that his theory would be directly related to human intelligence.: “The possibility that our civilization is not especially intelligent should not surprise us. When I tell Harvard students that half of them are below average in their class, they get angry.“.

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In this regard, he argued that “The reality, which is obvious, may well be that, statistically, we are at the center of the bell-shaped probability distribution of our kind of intelligent life forms in the cosmos, even taking into account our celebrated discovery of the Higgs boson by the Large Hadron Collider.“.


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