
New studies indicate Debanhi died of “suffocation” and there is no evidence of sexual violence, authorities say | Video

“The cause of death of Debanhi Susana Escobar Bazaldúa was due to asphyxiation due to suffocation in its variety of obstruction of respiratory orifices. The second conclusion is that the postmortem interval that was established based on the macroscopic findings, the cadaveric signs, is of 3 to 5 days from the location of the victim. The third conclusion is the fact that no evidence was found, no type of injury, or finding that could support sexual violence. And the last is that the possibility of suffocation by submersion. Those are the four conclusions reached by the three forensic doctors,” said Felipe Edmundo Takajashi Medina, general director of the Institute of Expert Services and Forensic Sciences of the Judiciary of Mexico City, at a conference of press.

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