
NATO to hold nuclear weapons exercises after Putin threatens to use them

NATO to hold nuclear weapons exercises after Putin threatens to use them

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NATO will carry out next week its annual nuclear deterrent exercises -what are they named Steadfast Noon either Noon Firm– amid growing threats from the Russian president, Vladimir Putinto use nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war.

The secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, has ensured that it was a routine training that had been planned for a long time. At the same time, it has been he himself who has linked these maneuvers with the increase in hostile atomic rhetoric from the Kremlin.

President Putin’s veiled nuclear threats are dangerous and irresponsible. Russia knows that a nuclear war cannot be won and should never be fought,” said NATO Secretary General at a press conference.

[La OTAN avisa a Putin de “consecuencias sin precedentes” si usa armas nucleares en Ucrania]

“We are closely monitoring Russia’s nuclear forces. We have not seen any change in Russia’s position. But we remain vigilant,” she explained.

“Next week, NATO will carry out its deterrence exercises Steadfast Noonplanned for a long time. This is routine training, done every year, to keep our deterrent safe, secure and effective,” Stoltenberg said.

In addition, the secretary general of the Atlantic Alliance will chair this Thursday an “ordinary meeting” of the Nuclear Planning Group. “The fundamental purpose of NATO’s nuclear deterrence has always been to preserve peaceprevent coercion and deter aggression,” says the Norwegian politician.

Wouldn’t it be better to cancel these maneuvers now to avoid any misunderstanding with Moscow? “We’ve been open about the exercises and I think we would send a very wrong signal if we suddenly canceled some long-planned routine exercises due to the war in Ukraine,” Stoltenberg replies.

“The firm and predictable behavior of NATO, our military force, is the best way to avoid an escalation. We are there to preserve the peace, to avoid an escalation and to prevent any attack on NATO allied countries. Therefore, if we now create the basis for any misunderstanding or miscalculation in Moscow about our willingness to protect and defend all allies, we would increase the risk of escalation and that is the last thing we will do,” he insisted.

The Russian president has threatened to use nuclear weapons since the start of the war in Ukraine on February 24. But he upped the threat from him many notches after the illegal annexation of the Ukrainian provinces of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia. In fact, the American president, Joe Bidenwarned last week of the risk of a nuclear ‘Armageddon’.

Both the US government and NATO itself have privately told the Kremlin that he will suffer “unprecedented consequences” if you activate your nuclear arsenal. However, they have avoided detailing in public what these consequences would be.

[Joe Biden advierte de un inminente “Armagedón” si Putin utiliza armas nucleares: “Él no bromea”]

Stoltenberg has announced the nuclear deterrence exercises just before the regular meeting of NATO defense ministers that begins this Wednesday in Brussels, and that will have the war in Ukraine as the main item on the agenda. The meeting is expected to be attended by the Ukrainian Defense Minister, Oleksii Reznikov.

The allies will commit to increasing military support for the kyiv government (in particular in air defense systems) after the new wave of indiscriminate attacks against the civilian population that the Kremlin has initiated this week.

NATO is not part of the conflict. But our support is playing a key role. Allies remain united in their support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and self-defense,” Stoltenberg said.

Ukraine has momentum in its favor and continues to make significant gains. While Russia increasingly resorts to horrific and indiscriminate attacks against civilians and critical infrastructure,” the NATO Secretary General denounces.

President Putin is failing in Ukraine. His attempts at annexation, partial mobilization and reckless nuclear rhetoric represent the most significant escalation since the beginning of the war. And they show that this war is not going according to plan,” Stoltenberg said.

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