
NATO accuses Russia of using ‘false pretexts’ over dirty bomb to escalate war in Ukraine

NATO accuses Russia of using 'false pretexts' over dirty bomb to escalate war in Ukraine

BRUSSELS, Oct. 26 () –

NATO has accused Russia of using “false pretexts” to escalate the war of aggression against Ukraine, after accusing the Ukrainian authorities of preparing a “dirty bomb” on its territory.

Speaking from the US aircraft carrier ‘George HW Bush’ in the Mediterranean Sea, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned of Moscow’s maneuvers, insisting that behind them is the intention to increase pressure against Ukraine, when eight months after the Russian invasion.

“Russia now falsely claims that Ukraine is preparing to use a radiological ‘dirty bomb’ on its own territory. NATO allies reject this patently false accusation,” the former Norwegian prime minister said, following statements by the nuclear powers. allies: United States, United Kingdom and France.

In this sense, he has warned Russia that it has the eyes of the whole world on them, so “it should not use false pretexts for further escalation” in the conflict in Ukraine. “Russia often accuses others of what they intend to do themselves. We have seen this pattern before from Syria to Ukraine,” she recalled.

Asked about the nuclear threat posed by the Kremlin, Stoltenberg insisted that the use of these weapons “will change the nature of the conflict” and “will have serious consequences” for Russia. “The most important thing now is to send a clear message or show that of course they should not use a nuclear weapon in Ukraine,” he said.

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